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Just a Hello :)

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  • Just a Hello :)


    My husband and I love strategy games and we were looking for a smart game that offered a challenge while allowing us to play when WE have time, as our other games are taking over our lives LOL ^^

    Seems like we found one! Civ IV Complete is on it's way to our house and we've been reading up on the traits/civs/hoards of info needed to play, and I have a few questions...mostly about Multiplay as you're all scaring me off with your problems with Pitboss/Gamespy etc. We are NOT computer programmers

    We mainly would like to enjoy playing the two of us versus the AI, for starters anyway. We have separate computers and would be playing at the same time, what is the easiest MP method of doing this? We do not have a LAN between our computers but I think we can manage that much if someone was kind enough to point out a guide or some instructions for a wireless connection ^^

    And if we wanted to invite some friends of ours from other sites who may switch over to Civ, is there an EASY way of playing/creating games for us if we have no mods or changes made to our Civ folders? I won't be playing around with the XML at all I dont think, as Im likely to break something

    I know you must get these questions everyday and I usually would spend more time going through the threads first but with the Christmas season approaching I don't have as much time to lurk Any and all help is appreciated and I look forward to being an active friendly member of your community, we're very excited about getting started ^^

    Feel free to contact me anytime for a chat etc, and again, my sincere thanks to anyone who can help me out with my MP questions, it sounded a lot easier on the box



  • #2
    As long as you don't have firewall issues, the easiest way is use the direct IP option in multiplay.

    Then when you're setting up the game, you can use the team numbers to place both of you on the same team and combine your research and such or just play seperately and work as a team.
    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3
      You'd have to setup a network first, of course. The simplest way to connect 2 computers is a cross-over network cable, if both computers are in the same room and have a network adapter. Many of the newer boards have an integrated one, or you can get one in the Media Markt for about € 10. It takes only about 5 minutes to set up a TCP connection; WinXP does have a wizard for it too, if I recall correct. A wireless LAN is a bit trickier and more expensive, but helps if your computers are in different rooms.

      Welcome to Apolyton, by the way. I'm from Germany too.


      • #4
        Are you sure you don't have a LAN connection? You have two separate internet connections? If you have one internet connection and a router, you should be on the same local network.


        • #5
          Welcome to Apolyton Glint. You'll find great advice/tips/help.

          If you thought other games took over your life, just wait.
          And indeed there will be time To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?". t s eliot


          • #6
            Originally posted by Glint
            as our other games are taking over our lives LOL ^^
            Well I hate to break it to you but things have only gotten worse by getting Civ 4. Before too long you will probably be suffering from the "one more turn" syndrome.


            • #7
              But at least they both like games. Their marriage should survive intact.
              I'm consitently stupid- Japher
              I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


              • #8
                LOL Yes we just got it the other day and spent the whole night submerged in Civ IV land

                Difference being, that it's turn based and not RTS, so when we NEED to go out we can stop the game without it going on without us...our other games we lead alliances/guilds on, and we've gone so far as to set the alarm to send out coordinated attacks and such, lol. When we postponed leaving to make our flight for an end-game win we knew we were in trouble
                We've no problem with gamers addiction though, hehe, just means we're having fun.

                Okies, we do have one internet connection/router, and we are on a wireless network...but being the chump I am I assumed if it didn't have Local Area Network in the title it wouldn't work *laughs* I warned you...

                We managed to set it up on GameSpy as allies without trouble though, thanks to everyone for your help!!! Some friends of ours may pop over as well (we hope) but if not if there are any fun people on here (as I'm sure there are) who want to put the fear in us come on over! We're up for a challenge, if you can stomach beating me soundly in the process If anyone wants to play a 'practice-round' with me let me know...any tips I can pick up to beat my husband works for me
                I usually come out ahead of him on score (with higher culture/pop/and gold etc) but I know if he wanted to he could wallop me with his troops :P

                And hi Sir Ralph Being Canadian and only living here my german is pretty basic but you can message me anytime for a chat ^^


                • #9
                  Seeing that you're in my timezone I suppose we could try and set up a game sometime.
                  "The state is nothing but an instrument of oppression of one class by another--no less so in a democratic republic than in a monarchy."


                  • #10
                    hey Glint, would you happen to have a sister with roughly the same interests in her mid-20's? civplaying chicks are worth their weight in gold around here

                    seriously though, I'm in that timezone normally. if you're still around here in january I might play a game or two.
                    Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                    • #11
                      Sure Fleme I am still playing on Noble difficulty though, perhaps you'd like me to advance my game before taking you on? Unless you're up for a coaching session or more relaxed game of course ;P

                      LOL LzPrst, Only child here I'm afraid, and most of the ladies I've met gaming joined through their husbands or bfs. Its a lot of fun swapping teams and fighting our men

                      I'll definately be around come January, after the second week esp. Right now I'm a bit swamped with Christmas details and such, but after the 15th of January I'll be back on my games with a vengeance -inserts evil smiley-

                      Nice to meet you all btw, and I'll take some time to read up on warfare strategies to ensure I don't make a game with me too boring


                      • #12
                        Yeah January would probably be best for me as well. I have a big exam coming up just before christmas and I'll be working over the holidays and will get back at the start of next year. If you want to, you could PM me at the start of January and we could see where it goes.
                        "The state is nothing but an instrument of oppression of one class by another--no less so in a democratic republic than in a monarchy."


                        • #13
                          Sure thing, will be the second week of the month, but I'll try and remember

