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culture after capture-unfair-please help

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  • #31
    I still think that CIV should have two border mechanics instead of just one. Political border and cultural border.



    • #32
      If you make a suggestion that is fairly easy to code, easy to understand (for both human and AI) and fun, I'm sure Firaxis will listen...
      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


      • #33
        Two border mechanics is confusing and extra work for the player to understand (and confusing on the screen...) One border mechanic, and choose whether it's political or cultural I prefer cultural myself, but to each his own.
        <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
        I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


        • #34
          I think my proposal earlier in this thread satisfies the requirements of being reasonably easy to code and understand.


          • #35

            wow, a lot of things has happened here!

            i will say just a few words regarding thw wars in iraq and afghanistan,then compare them with civ iv.
            regarding the war in iraq i think its an example with no motive to clear the terrorists.the goal was double i think:first to overthrow sadam,then to control the oil recourses there more efficiently.i didnt saw any liberation,i saw only that things there are now much worse before the invasion.the official reason for the invasion was iraq s weapons of mass destruction,which fueled terrorists,something that never existed.only donkeys i saw in farmlands.i saw many innocent people die from bombing raids,even in public markets.then the us forces hit also the hotel that journalists were living,which from there broadcasting the events.this was no "accident",as americans say.this was a tactic in order to drive them away,by not show to the entire world what sort freak things american troops are doing there,killing innocent people,torturing them,which they had having no participation in trade center was a prove for this.america s foreign policy has armed the terrorists.america s foreign policy has created hate for them worldwide.and the war in afghanistan was nothing more but a war for revenge and to kill laden.innocent people die to satisfy US desire by returning a blind strike.
            sometimes i wonder,who are the real terrorists?
            i m glad to see that in many cases ameircan civilians are completely separated and disagree from this policy.
            regarding this example in civ iv,its not the appropriate.we are talking here for an overthrown of govermnet,nothing to do with culture.the americans might throw sadam,might not control the whole teritory,but via military presence there,they control what they wanted first of all:the oil sources.that is a good example that rejects the phainomenon of culture.
            you want a better example?ww2!the germans wanted to seize the oil sources of egypt.if they have managed to defeat in el-alamein,anyone here believes that they could not seize the oil sources because tha culture of the pyramids there?


            • #36
              Why sure, the Afrika Korps was defeated at El-Alamein by the Pyramid culture, not by that doofus Montgomery.

              (With apologies to Montgomery lovers everywhere).

              Actually, Montgomery epitomized the Allies' strategy. Overwhelm them with massive superiorities in quantities of manpower, equipment, and ordinance.

