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sug: credit system

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  • sug: credit system

    I have a suggestion:

    Civ should feature a credit system - civs should be able, to:

    1) Give and take loans from each other, setting an interest rate.

    2) Give and take loans from their own populace with avaiablitly and interest rates set by some game mechanics, which i should describe below.

    1 is rather simple: Just a new option on the diplo screen. In fact in MP you could do such a thing - it would just take two steps really. A gold gift by one player and a gold per turn by the other. A seperate option would make it avaibale for AIs, too, and also allow to set more specifics, in one deal. Of course the AI had to be tweaked to be capable of handling this reasonably without opening doors for player exploits.

    2 Would require a new game mechanic which determines how much loan you could obtain from your populace and what the current interest rate would be. The same for the opposite direction: How much could you lend to your populace and what rates would you get ? Should the whole thing have an impact on inflation ? If so, which ?

    I think banking should make 2 possible and this would add an interesting new layer in the modern ages. By building banks, you would make credit avaiable. How much would be a matter of balancing, which should be as close to reality in comparison with other game-mechanics, but with priority of in-game-balance. Maybe add a culture/money/science-like fourth button of production labeld credit, making banks (and maybe stock exhanges) a 50% multiplier of which. A banker specialist could maybe also be introduced and its gpp would be able to found ANY corp or build the wall street (taking it out of the normal nation wonder line).

    With railroads you´d make lending money to your people possible. The total amount of given loans is set of course firstly by how much money you have, but there must be a second limit: The demand by your people. The key would be the amount of "aviable credit" generated by the banks. Its ratio to what you already borrowed sets their demand - tho there should be demand even at times when you still could borrow (the interest rates of taking loans thus must always be higher than those of giving them). The interest rates should be determined by the ratio of Credit avaible to credit taken (taking) and the ration of credit given to money avaiable (giving) - rather (maybe too ?) simple really.

    Maybe one should even be able to take loans from foreign populaces with a certain tech and/or civics/treaties. Maybe a building by the wall street would be required to do this - or new building for the banker, leaving the wall in street as is.

    So what do You people think of this idea ? I think together with the war weariness for soldiers and workers (your most loyal people threat) it would be enough for a new XP ()...

  • #2
    1) Give and take loans from each other, setting an interest rate.

    You used to be able to do this in previous versions, but the diplomacy of it was so hard to balance (the human could easily screw over the AI) that they deliberately cut it out.

    The other idea is pretty complex, I'll read it more in a bit. Loans would be good if you could take them out to pay for an event.


    • #3
      Well screwing them over should be fixed then
      And yes - make it so, that when an event occurs you can still obtain a loan before you have to answer to it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Unimatrix11
        Well screwing them over should be fixed then
        There was an elaborate system of diplomatic penalties for cutting off such deals, but ultimately it made diplomacy less fun for the human then if they were just impossible in the first place.


        • #5
          Okay - then make them uncancelable with the AI. You set the amount of loan, say 100, the interest rate in gpt, say 1, and the time when the 100 are due, say 20 turns. Once agreed upon the deal is fixed (when with an AI). Declare war and you still have to pay that 1 each turn and the 100 in 20, if you destroy him the money goes to some mystical place.

