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Medicine bottle/Telescope Needed

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  • Medicine bottle/Telescope Needed

    I want my warrior to not bother me until he's well, unless a barbarian comes around. Then I'd like the option to run. A wounded warrior would run in the face of a healthy barb axman, or hungry polar bear bearing down. I know I would hobble away as best I could, wouldn't you? At least lets have the chance to think about it.
    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time

  • #2
    So instead of a forify until healed option you want one that puts a unit into sentry until healed?
    Never give an AI an even break.


    • #3
      Fortify until healed, but if a barb arrives notify me. The unit shouldn't unfortify until I decide to do so, but it would be nice to know if a barb is about to destroy my wounded unit so I can then unfortify and move him out of harms way. As it is now, you only get to see the battle, not the arrival of the barb. If instead you leave it on lookout by using the telescope then the unit doesn't fortify which might be handy if a 2 mp barb runs up from out of sight. No reason why a unit can't both fortify and lookout, yes?
      Last edited by Lancer; November 11, 2007, 07:09.
      Long time member @ Apolyton
      Civilization player since the dawn of time


      • #4
        Originally posted by Lancer
        Fortify until healed, but if a barb arrives notify me. The unit shouldn't unfortify until I decide to do so, but it would be nice to know if a barb is about to destroy my wounded unit so I can then unfortify and move him out of harms way. As it is now, you only get to see the battle, not the arrival of the barb. If instead you leave it on lookout by using the telescope then the unit doesn't fortify which might be handy if a 2 mp barb runs up from out of sight. No reason why a unit can't both fortify and lookout, yes?
        My view:

        Fortify = everyone in bunkers
        Senty = patroling the region looking for bad guys

        I don't see them as exactly the same thing, and I wish the game reflected this more.
        Got my new computer!!!!


        • #5
          Fortifying doesn't mean everyone is in bunkers; just most of the troops. Any army worth its salt would maintain patrols so it would have some advance warning of an attack. Even with an injured unit, there would be troops who are healthy enough to do some patrolling.

          The best solution might be to redefine "Fortify until healed" so it also serves the function of "Sentry" if the unit is outside the civ's borders. It shouldn't be very difficult to add code to do a check of whether a unit is in its civ's borders and, if not, to run the Sentry algorithm.

          By the way, making that change would be purely a micromanagement reduction, not a change in what players are capable of doing. Under the current rules, players can keep an eye out for threats to a unit that is healing manually. Adding Sentry functionality to Fortify Until Healed would merely automate something players can already do with a bit of extra hassle.


          • #6
            Long time member @ Apolyton
            Civilization player since the dawn of time


            • #7
              I've often found myself wishing for this. Most games, I lose a scout/warrior or two that I might have saved if I'd been playing attention.


              • #8
                [SIZE=1] By the way, making that change would be purely a micromanagement reduction, not a change in what players are capable of doing.
                True. But that is exactly what makes it a useful change. Micromanagement does not equal fun.


                • #9
                  They've done a GREAT job taking such stuff out of CIV, with truly enjoyable results.
                  Long time member @ Apolyton
                  Civilization player since the dawn of time

