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i desperately need some help

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  • i desperately need some help

    hi there.. im new here.. and ive been looking for a fix on my game..

    I have BTS and its not working.. i get the Failed to initiate renderer error... ive been reading the thread on how to get it fixed im just not sure if that fix can also be used when you have BTS on cuz i cant see the file Art0.fpk

    this is the link

    i really want to play it but i cant.. im getting frustrated...

    *how will i know what ATI driver i have installed?
    *i have patched the BTS with 3.13

    please help..


  • #2
    Originally posted by nailbiter
    *how will i know what ATI driver i have installed?
    Just to be certain, go to their web site and download/install the latest they have available. It sounds like you haven't updated in quite some time anyway.


    • #3
      The renderer error shouldn't be relevant post-Civ4Vanilla1.52 ...

      Do you have the newest DirectX? Go to the microsoft directx updater ( I think?) and make sure - that is most commonly the problem with BtS and renderer errors.

      What video card do you have? To find out, right click on desktop, select properties, settings, advanced, adapter.
      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


      • #4
        i have GeForce FX5200 and i have no problems with the Direct X it has never prompted with that error...

        what should i do?


        • #5
          Update your directx first. It will not say "ERROR DIRECTX", but what will happen is some call will be made that the old directX won't handle and it will crash with some other error.

          Make sure that is updated before we try anything else, as it's the most common problem.

          Go to and click on "Download the latest DirectX".

          The renderer problem discussed in the linked thread is for ATI cards, not GeForce (and is obsolete anyhow).
          <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
          I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


          • #6
            ive already downloaded d3dx9_32.dll im not sure if that's the latest...

            ive tried to download from the site you gave me but im having problems with it.. would you know any other site? or is that thing that i downloaded the right stuff?


            • #7
              hmm.. ok now the failed to initialize renderer is not showing up any more...

              what happens now is that i get to enter the game... like chose the place, leader etc.. but after it loads the place and all that like after you click OK to start the game (actually it doesnt even get there)... the screen goes black.. prompts that send or dont send thing... and brings me back to the desktop..

              what should i do now?


              • #8
                Does Civ4 Vanilla (non-BTS non-Warlords) run okay? I'd be curious if it's a BTS specific problem or all civ.

                The GF 5200 FX is not a great card, and I've heard numerous complaints of users that it doesn't play Civ well... but it shouldn't have these errors I wouldn't think, unless the card is shot.

                You shouldn't be downloading just one DLL, by the way. You should be downloading a web installer that installs a host of dll files and other related files for DirectX. "Download the latest DirectX Now" should get you the full web installer and not just one file ...
                <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nailbiter
                  what happens now is that i get to enter the game... like chose the place, leader etc.. but after it loads the place and all that like after you click OK to start the game (actually it doesnt even get there)... the screen goes black.. prompts that send or dont send thing... and brings me back to the desktop..

                  what should i do now?
                  It sounds to me like your video card is just not good enough. You're way overdue for an upgrade, the 5200 is an ancient card.

