Does anyone know what the game mechanic is for tundra and farms? As far as I can tell, even when you have civil service, you can only build farms on tundra if the square is adjacent to fresh water. Being adjacent to another irrigated square isn't sufficient. Moreover, irrigated tundra won't spread irrigation to other tiles. Is it supposed to be this way? There's nothing mentioned in-game about such an effect.
Even stranger, it doesn't seem that a base tundra tile can be improved at all if it's not a) forested b) hilled or c) adjacent to a river (not counting resource squares). Again, there's nothing mentioned in the game itself about this. Anyone know anything else about this?
Even stranger, it doesn't seem that a base tundra tile can be improved at all if it's not a) forested b) hilled or c) adjacent to a river (not counting resource squares). Again, there's nothing mentioned in the game itself about this. Anyone know anything else about this?