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Medieval Era

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  • Medieval Era

    I try to find the way to stop the technology tree in the medieval era. If someone know something about this topic , please reply me.

  • #2

    I don't remember which version of Civ this was for, but I made it for an identical request a year or two ago. It's definitely not BtS, probably warlords but might be vanilla.

    Essentially you need to make a mod, and then open the technology xml file and mark each tech after your ending era as disabled.

    You should also adjust the tech speeds so that you don't get to the medieval era too quickly; it will be a very very boring game if you're not teching at all most of the game Unless that's what you want, anyhow. If you were to adjust the speeds, you would either go into the GameSpeed xml file and lower the tech speed, or in the Technology xml file make the techs take longer to research (more beakers).

    I don't remember if I adjusted the speeds in the file above.
    <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
    I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


    • #3
      I have check you mod , Thats is the idea of the mod which I wish to make, but in BtS. The problems is that I have no idea about how make a mod , the editors that I have donwload didn´t help me to solve my problem.

      If someone know a easy editor to BtS , or a manual about how make run a mod, please reply me.

      Thank you for you answer


      • #4

        That should work. Let me know if there are any problems with it. I slowed down techs (200%, so half as fast) and fixed it so you would have more reasonable years for Marathon, Epic, and Normal (so they will end somewhere around the seventeenth century, give or take a century).

        Modding Civ4 just requires a text editor ... it's all XML files, which are text-readable. There are lots of good explanation out there, use google to find one if you can't find it on your own ... like on our Creations forum ...
        <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
        I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


        • #5
          The first hand I am really please of you , but I have some problems with your mod , the idea of your mod is really fantastic ,may be just a few slower speed technologies, but it is great.

          The problems of the mod are that when a try to load mod I can see in my screem :

          Failed Loading XML file xml\GameInfo\
          Error parsing XML File-

          File: xml\GameInfo\CIV4 GameSpeedInfo.xml

          Line: 38, 22


          and something about CultureLevelInfo.xml

          I have my BtS in English and I don´t understand these problems

          Please Help me and thank you again.


          • #6

            Try it now, it worked when I loaded it. I forgot they'd changed iYearIncrement to iMonthIncrement when BTS came out
            <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
            I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


            • #7
              Originally posted by callaway1980
              If someone know a easy editor to BtS
              Windows Notepad is all you need.


              • #8
                Thank you to everybody for your time. The mod is excelent . Snoopy, I am very please of you.

