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National Wonder Synergy

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  • #31
    Originally posted by couerdelion

    There is no synergy between Iron Works and Heroic Epic.
    Yes there is.



    • #32
      Originally posted by darrelljs

      Yes there is.

      Feel free to elaborate or do you want me to put forward more arguments why your statement is not true?


      • #33
        Originally posted by couerdelion

        Feel free to elaborate or do you want me to put forward more arguments why your statement is not true?
        So looking online I get:

        "The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects."

        So yeah, you are right it doesn't have synergy . Still, both enhance production so if you put them in a city dedicated to production they work together in a constructive manner. Anyway, as I said in my previous post I don't think it is a good combo because you are wasting HE when building a wonder.



        • #34
          I think the point was raised earlier that the HE wonder should be built in a strong production city and this will generally be done fairly early in the game. It pays off very quickly and should be comfortably ahead of the techs needed for either West Point or Iron Works.

          But while that city will have a decent production, it won’t be the only one. Putting Iron Works in a second city gives +100% production to that city and free up the HE city to build West Point at some point. Taking two possible cities

          City 1: Production 25h (=20h+25% from forge)
          City 2: Production 20h (=16h+25% from forge)

          Option a) Build HE+IW in City 1

          Production = 45h (City1), 20h (City 2)
          Military Production = 65h (City 1), 20h (City 2) or 85h in total

          Now let’s say I want to build a wonder costing 1000h and 1000h worth of troops. Since the wonder may be a race, I will need 23 turns from City 1 during which City 2 produces 460h worth of units. After that, another 6 turns building units in both will give 510h, which with the overflow gives a little over 1000h of units.

          Total time = 29 turns

          Option b) Build HE in City 1 and IW in City 2

          Production = 25h (City 1), 36h (City 2)
          Military Production = 45h (City 1), 36h (City 2) or 81h in total

          Now let’s put City 2 on the wonder and we can see that it is built in 28 turns. During this time, City 1 builds 1260h of units.

          Total time = 28 turns and I have more units than I would have in Option a)

          This might seem a little odd because in Option b), our total production and our total military production are less than under option a). Yet we still managed to build more.

          Once again it is a great example of how comparative advantage works in CIV.

          Or I could have got my numbers wrong.

