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2 annoyances in BTS

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  • 2 annoyances in BTS

    1- Sometimes (I have not been able to spot any pattern) the game's background music continues to play when in the diplomacy screen and I get two music streams at the same time. That is a bit annoying since it stresses me out. Does anyone know about a fix for this.

    2- A thing that I think is not new to BTS is what I like to call 'click selection hell.' The sympton of click selection hell is that two similar units stick selected together and are not possible to unstick.

    It usually occurs when I shift-select a 2nd guy of the same sort as the one currently selected. If I then shift-select a different unit to add to the other two and decide to unselect one of the first two guys (that are the same kind of unit) it is not possible. Both of them get unselected and the third guy remains the only one selected. And this is with shift-selection all the time.

    Whichever combinations of selection/unselection I try after this it is not possible to get the two units of the same kind to stop being erroneously 'grouped' and select just one of them plus another unit of a different sort.

    Sometimes it can be possible to artificially group/ungroup them a few times and finally they separate but not always. If I unselect everything and then select another third or fourth guy and then try to shift-select one of the first two, then both of them automatically get selected.

    To experience this for yourselves, open my attached savegame and go to Cumae and try to select a war elephant and a praetorian leaving the second pret and the fourth guy unselected.

    This has drived me crazy many times and I usually end up moving unit one by one to new tiles and thus bread their association with eachother. But it gets real annoying. Does anyone know of a fix for this?
    Attached Files
    "Can we get a patch that puts Palin under Quayle?" - Theben

  • #2
    This happens to me too. To fix, click on the "ungroup" button, then group the ones using shift-click, group.


