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Civ Placements

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  • Civ Placements

    Just started playing Civ4, Had Played Civ 1 the most and a long time ago. And casually the later ones. I have the plain vanilla Civ4 atm. First question is, Can i still get the 1st xpansion Warlords anymore. I can only seem to find BTS.

    My real Question though is what is with the Civ placements in this game. My map could have 2 huge land masses, yet Every single race starts on the one land mass all next to each other. And no body even even started on the other lands. Is this just screwy because I have the early versions and corrected in one of the expansions or is this common in all versions. I have so many more questions for a later time. but im not gonna shoot them all out for now. Thanks.

  • #2
    You can definitely get it from Direct2Drinve ( and Steam as digital content. I imagine you can still get it from other online (box) retailers such as Amazon; not sure if you'll find it at physical retail locations as much if any.

    Are you playing "Terra" map? That is a map where you all start on one continent ("Old World") and when you discover Astronomy you can head over to the New World to colonize it. Try "Continents" or "Archipelago", if you want several contintents rather than just the one, or "Pangaea" if you want one larger continent.
    <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
    I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


    • #3
      I'm playing vanilla myself, at the moment (bought the "Chronicles" package). From what I've read here, the BTS expansion contains all the additions of Warlords (except the scenarios), plus its own additions. I don't know if it allows you the option of playing with only Warlords additions, though. If you only want the Warlords expansion, I would imagine you could still find copies in stock, if you look around online, or at your local retailers.

      As for civ placement, that does depend somewhat on the type of world you choose to build at start-up. "Terra" and "Continents" options give similar world, but the former places all civs on one continent (the "old world") and has a second continent inhabited with barb cities (the "new world") for you to conquer. Or you might be on a "Pangea" map, one honkin' big continent.


      • #4
        Civ 4 has several map types that are quite different. It sounds like you have selected Terra. If you read the description given for Terra it says several large land masses (think America and Europe/Asia/Africa). All players start on the "old world" and part of the game is to go and colonize the "new world".

        If you want more of a Civ 1/2/3 type of game try Continents or Pangaea or Archipelago.

        There is a way to play Warlords but I think you have to make a shortcut to the .exe file yourself. BtS is in ..\blah\Civ4\Beyond the Sword and Warlords is in ..\blah\Civ4\Warlords. Try just going to that folder and starting the .exe


        • #5
          I Don't care really about the scenerios. So if I Get the BTS expac I will get all the newer leaders and the warlord addition that was added in the warlords pack?

          And I guess that makes sense for the terra maps. But i thought I tried the continents maps and had the same results where we all started on the map continent. I'll have the try that again.

          One other thing could anyone direct me torward threads that would breakdown some of the technical stuff. Like i have been reading threads that certain races react differently to situations. In the games i've played so far seems like the Isbella and MOnty are consistenly hating me the most.
          Last edited by williwompa; October 12, 2007, 15:01.


          • #6
            The BTS comes with all but the scenarios of Warlords and this could be why they are not selling the warlords much anymore. Newer purchasers to the game might just want the Vanilla-BTS to get everything needed, since only those interested in the scenarios would need Warlords.

            Here's a place to buy though if you do not like the D2D type:

            There are more I'm sure. Just google it.

