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Behind the Scenes of Space

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  • Behind the Scenes of Space

    Firaxis Games posted a 'behind the scenes' feature on their website about the Final Frontier scenario included in Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword. In it, the scenario's creator Jon Shafer talks about his inspiration for the scenario:

    There have been a number of strategy Civ-style games in outer space before, but all of them stray at least somewhat (purposely or not) from the essence of Civ's gameplay. I hoped to make a mod that would take the greatest strengths of Civ and translate them into a new environment that players would find unique and interesting, but was still just as much fun as playing on Earth.

    He continues to explain his early (failed) experiments and how he arrived at and developed the version that shipped with the game. About the story he says:

    As players advance through the Tech Tree they will uncover elements of the story via excerpts from articles, journals, speeches, etc. This encourages players to explore as much of the game as they can in order to learn about the history of Final Frontier.

    You can read the full article on the Firaxis website.
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery

  • #2
    That's hardly behind the scenes, seeing as I have that exact text in my readme file in the final frontiers directory

