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Confused and Angry about BtS

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  • Confused and Angry about BtS

    I suppose this has been pointed out or discussed before, but i couldn't find a thread about this, so bear with me.

    I installed BtS three days ago and, boom, down goes the neighbourhood.

    I had been running Civ4 and Warlords on highest graphical settings and biggest Terra maps and such.

    After I installed BtS the game's performance dropped significantly, it started to crash down regulary and sometimes just gets frozen.

    I turned down the graphical settings, but no improvements.

    You guys have probably experienced, heard or disscussed this before, so can you inform me about this.

    Did this happen to you all? Is there a patch for it? Is there a solution you know?

    Thanks a bunch.

  • #2
    Didn't happen to me, but one thing i've heard is you must install the latest version of DirectX that comes on the disk.


    • #3
      I haven't noticed any performance degradation myself. Mind you, I generally play Continents or Fractal maps, normal or large, so I probably don't push the engine to its limit.

      There is rumoured to be a big patch coming very soon to BTS, maybe that will help performance a bit.


      • #4
        I really hope so... Because it's extremely irritating as you can guess.


        • #5
          I haven't noticed anything like that either. Did you try to install the DX that is on the disc? Not sure if it helps, but can't hurt trying
          This space is empty... or is it?


          • #6
            i found the in game performance was markedly improved, but the time in between turns gets longer and longer the more you play until its really crawling. hopefully the patch addresses that somewhat.


            • #7
              Don't install the directX that came with it... go to the MIcrosoft DirectX site and upgrade to the current version. (You don't need to reinstall BtS after you do this.)



              • #8
                My computer is not among the fastest so one can really see the drag in late ages. I play mostly play pangea and that is not helping either. I can play BtS with much higher settings than the original Civ4 and Warlords, so your problem might not be the game at all.


                • #9
                  Hopefully you didn't install the 3.03 patch. That patch screwed up my graphics at first, then fried my video card and screwed up BtS so badly even uninstalling and then reinstalling the game didn't help. I finally had to format my hard drive and reinstall the game to be able to play BtS again...


                  • #10
                    The thing is, I didn't see any drag in any age before BtS, but now, about the time i reach industrial age, things get really slow.

                    No I didn't install any patches yet, rather, I took a precaution and asked about my question on "teh internutz"... Which you have been reading

                    Thanks a lot for the answers, i'll wait for the next patch and i guess, stick with medium or normal maps for the time being..

