I am pleased to see that so much work has been done on this expansion. Thank you to the contributors.
No announcement yet.
BtS Patch 3.13 - out now
The blitz promotion for ships is maybe THE most important update for naval warfare. OMG I've missed that one.
BTW, how will this work with Solver's unofficial patch? And will current games be able to play (preferably with the new fixes/ features included)?
BTW, how will this work with Solver's unofficial patch? And will current games be able to play (preferably with the new fixes/ features included)?
Not sure about savegame compatibility, I think it might be best to start afresh given the significant balance and AI changes. You might be able to load 3.03 saves but even if you could, some of the dynamics might be skewed. This is speculation on my part of course.
vilemerchant: I hear you. The technical flaws in particular were disappointing with BTS because we've grown accustomed to flawless quality from Firaxis. But better post-release than never. The game is so darn awesome, and I've had fun, bugs and all, so I don't grudge them the buggy release.
Originally posted by Aro
The civilopedia units bug isn't there...
Originally posted by Nugog
Exploring units now heal.
Under AI fixes - I am presuming it relates to player controlled units as well..............
I'm not using Solvers unofficial patch, because, well.. unofficial patches scare meI'll have to get over that one day..
Firaxis can't possibly design standard behavior of the UN around what you moded the domination victory to be.
Off course with domination settting that low the standard UN is pointless with or without the latest change.
Anyway the solution under the new rules is simple; if there is any other landmass in the game at all; make one or more tiny landmasses colonies to bring you below that population. They'll vote for you if you don't treat them badly.
Originally posted by LDiCesare
So what? Force the player to go through the moves in order to get the final screen? I'd rather push a 'You win' button at this stage than send armies of modern armors roll over cavalries. Indeed the UN was more or less a 'You win' button. I can always mod domination to be 51% of world population and 10% of territory but it doesn't work well early on or in duel games.1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.
I have installed the patch.
My automated build network workers now work properly, yay.
but contrary to the list of fixes:
My Great Artist didn't stop Delhi revolting once I'd conquered it; and
the Three Gorges Dam caused 2 units of unhealthiness in all my hitherto unpowered cities
um, could this possibly be because the patch has not been officially released yet and I just happened to press the "check for updates" button in the game two days ago and managed to download a pre-release version of the 83MB patch? or is it that the patch doesn't do what it says it does? Sure is confusing.
Yes but Hydro power and the Three Gorges Dam is supposed to be the clean alternative. At least that was the case before bts.
Actually I have just noticed that my corporations are still giving +5 instead of +4 gold per city which the above list says the new patch 3.13 does.
I have this theory from reading these posts that I must have just donwloaded patch 3.03 and that older patch did solve the automated worker problem but not the other ones I've mentioned. I'm at work now so I can't check which version it was. The automatic updates button is good but it's all so automatic now I don't know what I'm updating to or from.
Originally posted by theonhr
I have installed the patch.
3.13 is not available from the ingame update function....I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.
Thats gotta be the longest list of bugs I've ever seen. Too long for me to look and see if the "automated workers sitting on their ass while there is stuff to do" bug has been fixed.We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.
Originally posted by LDiCesare
I will add that the current solution doesn't prevent you from voting for yourself if you have a vassal: You give him cities just before the vote, and you still win.
If vassals count as a team, then you can't use your good diplomacy to accept vassal offers (which do happen when you play nice), so you get a diplomatic penalty for being nice, which would be silly.
I maintain that the UN, even as a 'you win' button, were useful. In fact, there should be a 'you win' button. Right now, there's just a 'You lose' button, which is resigning, you'll see a 'no victory' in the hall of fame. A score victory (not time) triggered by the player would just make it funnier for some of use to end the game without having to slosh through the end game.
No. If I have more than half the pop of the world all by myself, I'm also very likely to have far more units. Even at armor vs armor, I'm going to win at this point, it's just the computer can't realise it yet, but going through the moves will be uselessly boring.
I am very enthusiastic about naval units becoming eligible for Blitz! Let's see you try to get another surprise amphibious attack past my naval pickets THIS time, Stalin."The nation that controls magnesium controls the universe."
-Matt Groenig