My main note on Blake's Free Market analyis is he's talking pretty late in the game (4 without, 5 with) or else routintely builds the Great Lighthouse and has mostly coastal cities.
Actually when it first becomes advaibale, most often the choice is between 2 routes per city (non FM) & 3 (with FM) unless you have built Castles [don't seem particularly worth it unless protective or planning on fighting from within your own cities too me]
This doesn't upgrade to 3 non FM in all cities until Corporation which cancels out the Castle TR and If I recall correctly the Great Lighthouse (2) as well.
The other thing I note and this is very map dependent is that intercontiential trade routes are a whole lot more lucrative in BTS than before. On a Pangena map that's not going to matter much, but even on a contential map once you've discovered the other contentent it's very substantial.
Also on the negative for FM is if your "friends" adopt Merchantism which acts just as if they closed the border as far as trade routes are concerned.
Actually when it first becomes advaibale, most often the choice is between 2 routes per city (non FM) & 3 (with FM) unless you have built Castles [don't seem particularly worth it unless protective or planning on fighting from within your own cities too me]
This doesn't upgrade to 3 non FM in all cities until Corporation which cancels out the Castle TR and If I recall correctly the Great Lighthouse (2) as well.
The other thing I note and this is very map dependent is that intercontiential trade routes are a whole lot more lucrative in BTS than before. On a Pangena map that's not going to matter much, but even on a contential map once you've discovered the other contentent it's very substantial.
Also on the negative for FM is if your "friends" adopt Merchantism which acts just as if they closed the border as far as trade routes are concerned.