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Latest OCC Thinking

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  • Latest OCC Thinking

    So I've read through several nonRTS OCC threads, including solo's OCC on Monarch and Emperor threads. Is there a compilation of the latest nonRTS OCC thinking somewhere? Been away from Civ for a while and would like help catching up. Thanks!

    My memory of OCC is a couple years dated:

    Ghandi = good. Limited anarchy = more productive turns. Also can found an early religion.

    Masonry --> Pyramids for Representation
    Literature --> Great Library, National Epic
    Philosophy --> Pacifism for great people
    Education, Liberalism (Astronomy), Physics, Computers, Rocketry
    Civil Service slingshot possible with Oracle, but unlikely at higher difficulty levels so take a minor slingshot instead of delaying the Oracle build.

    Build terrain for mass commerce up until the point you can build spaceship parts, then reconfigure half/half until you've researched everything (Internet helps of course), then go all production. Change farms and cottages to watermills and so on. Lots of food means support for more specialists.

    Globe for happy citizens
    Prioritize world wonders over national wonders.
    Great Library
    Oracle good for slingshot

    City Site:
    A coastal site with 2 or more special resources makes it a prime candidate for an OCC game. With the addition of a Lighthouse, and then the Great Lighthouse wonder, commerce will take a jump because of those extra early trade routes. Then, researching quickly to Compass provides a Harbor, which boosts commerce again as well as adding extra health from the coastal resources.

    Free market drives trade routes, commerce, science. Remember to sail out and connect in island setting. Open borders can be very helpful.
    Great prophets added to city better than building multiple shrines.
    Great scientist for academy.
    Can use Worldbuilder to scout resources.
    Pacifism --> Free Religion once great people are less likely (how to tell?).

    Space Elevator? How can I know I'm close enough (30 degrees) to the equator, count tiles?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • #2
    The Great Lighthouse is less valuable in OCC. Also, I'd prefer Ind over Phi.


    • #3
      I would think Phi is more useful than Ind, because you probably will want to do a lot of specialists. Also, GLths is useful when used with Colossus on a water start, because of the synergy, I believe. I'm not sure on that last one though, I haven't played OCC in a long time.
      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


      • #4
        What synergy? They're two distinct additive bonuses. There would only be synergy if Colossus increased the value of trade routes.

        Phi makes specialists and wonders more valuable, but Ind helps you get the wonders in the first place (and you can't expect to have Marble or Stone). Arguably, the hammer savings of Ind are more valuable than the extra GPP of Phi.


        • #5
          Phi is better in OCC. The best way to tech is by making loads of Great Scientists and adding them to the city, and Phi gets you more GS and faster.
          You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Krill
            Phi is better in OCC. The best way to tech is by making loads of Great Scientists and adding them to the city, and Phi gets you more GS and faster.
            I tend to think the benefits of Industrious and running Representation via getting the Pyramids would outweigh the GPP benefits of Phi. An Ind/Phi leader would be better still. I've done OCC with both Phi and Ind. Perhaps it's the fast worker that has been the tiebreaker for Ghandi.

            Is the general consensus Saladin (Phi/Spi), Ghandi (Ind/Spi), Liz (Phi/Fin) for top OCC?

            Are there any compilations of OCC thinking out there, similar to Vel's strat guide?
            Last edited by inca911; September 12, 2007, 13:32.


            • #7
              An Ind/Phi leader would be better still.

              Doesn't exist, for good reason.


              • #8
                Inca, that is for 1.61, because those traits have changesd. in BtS Gandhi is Phi/Spi, Ramses Ind/Spi, and Lizzie unchanged? There has been alot of changes since 1.61 to 3.02. Pyramids costs more, no limit on small wonders, an AI that will probably kill you if you get the pyramids on Monarch or higher...
                You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                • #9
                  Actually there used to be no limit on national wonders in OCC, but now there is (as of 3.0), no more than 5.


                  • #10
                    Phi is better in OCC. I think so.


                    • #11
                      Any other OCCers out there interesting in chiming in on the latest thinking?


                      • #12
                        I also think the Philosopical is one of the best for OCC, with a very hard push to generate and settle great people in the early game.

                        Specifically, generate great prophets and great engineers and settle them all in the early game. Both give much needed hammers but the prophet also gives much needed gold that will help support all the troops you will be fielding.

                        Using a prophet to build a shrine isnt that strong a move (unless permanent alliances are enabled) because you will be burning down every city on the planet and that will include all of your income.

                        I don't think Industrious is very strong for OCC. You have a single city and the big issues will be generating enough to compete while also generating enough to take on the world.

                        With that said, as the game progresses I would switch the GPP focus over to scientists once the issue is resolved, nabbing the acedemy with the first one, settling the next few, and then lightbulbing the remainder.

