Just had a hair-tearingly frustrating game and I'm trying to figure out what I can learn from this.
I played a large map on prince and was on a medium sized continent with 1 other civ. He had an appallingly poor starting condition (the one where you get a fat cross of workable land surrounded by tundra and ice on all sides) and I was able to completely box him in, eventually nabbing 11 cities. I quickly progressed to optics and found the remaining 6 civs (one had been eliminated before I met). At this point, I had the highest score, and had the most tech (also nabbed the circumnavigation bonus before anyone else was at sea). Other civs had scores ranging from just below mine to about half of mine.
All was progressing well until suddenly all 6 civs not on my continent simutaneously declared war. All 6 civs were of one religion (buddism) which had never made it over to my continent, so I had no votes when someone else built the Apostolic Palace. One of the civs had discovered astronomy about 25 turns earlier, and within the space of 20 turns 3 civs managed to land at different points around my continent and take cities (including Ragnar, whose berserkers I'm going to have a LOT of respect for in the future). I managed to retake all the cities, but was militarily weak and lacking a navy (I didn't have astronomy yet).
As luck would have it, I got liberalism almost immediately after this and used it to get nationalism, which let me draft enough macemen to get some breathing room, though my unhappiness went through the roof, of course. Unfortunately, wave after wave of attackers came on.
Ok, I can buy that everyone in the world suddenly *hates* me, but what kills me is that there's really no way to DEAL with this. I'd make (or buy) peace with one or two civs when they would all declare war on me AGAIN turns later. I went to 'free religion,' which removed most of the negatives, but it didn't stop the endless war declarations. One or two of them *never* made peace with me, and twice I finally got the 'compassion for wounded enemy' event only to have the same civ redeclare a few dozen turns later. None of my cities were buddist, so there was no way to actually make that my state religion.
This whole thing went on for at least 150 turns and eventually, the pure military focus killed my game. I fell behind 4 other civs, and one of the waves finally took one of my cities at a time when I probably didn't have enough units on hand to retake it. I quit at that point, though I probably could've drawn out the loss for another hundred turns or so.
I guess my question from this is, what was I supposed to do initially that would have prevented this whole fiasco?
I played a large map on prince and was on a medium sized continent with 1 other civ. He had an appallingly poor starting condition (the one where you get a fat cross of workable land surrounded by tundra and ice on all sides) and I was able to completely box him in, eventually nabbing 11 cities. I quickly progressed to optics and found the remaining 6 civs (one had been eliminated before I met). At this point, I had the highest score, and had the most tech (also nabbed the circumnavigation bonus before anyone else was at sea). Other civs had scores ranging from just below mine to about half of mine.
All was progressing well until suddenly all 6 civs not on my continent simutaneously declared war. All 6 civs were of one religion (buddism) which had never made it over to my continent, so I had no votes when someone else built the Apostolic Palace. One of the civs had discovered astronomy about 25 turns earlier, and within the space of 20 turns 3 civs managed to land at different points around my continent and take cities (including Ragnar, whose berserkers I'm going to have a LOT of respect for in the future). I managed to retake all the cities, but was militarily weak and lacking a navy (I didn't have astronomy yet).
As luck would have it, I got liberalism almost immediately after this and used it to get nationalism, which let me draft enough macemen to get some breathing room, though my unhappiness went through the roof, of course. Unfortunately, wave after wave of attackers came on.
Ok, I can buy that everyone in the world suddenly *hates* me, but what kills me is that there's really no way to DEAL with this. I'd make (or buy) peace with one or two civs when they would all declare war on me AGAIN turns later. I went to 'free religion,' which removed most of the negatives, but it didn't stop the endless war declarations. One or two of them *never* made peace with me, and twice I finally got the 'compassion for wounded enemy' event only to have the same civ redeclare a few dozen turns later. None of my cities were buddist, so there was no way to actually make that my state religion.
This whole thing went on for at least 150 turns and eventually, the pure military focus killed my game. I fell behind 4 other civs, and one of the waves finally took one of my cities at a time when I probably didn't have enough units on hand to retake it. I quit at that point, though I probably could've drawn out the loss for another hundred turns or so.
I guess my question from this is, what was I supposed to do initially that would have prevented this whole fiasco?