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A Problem I have with My Otherwise Good Civ Experience

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  • A Problem I have with My Otherwise Good Civ Experience

    ok... so I playing a game, map is Europe made like the real deal. I'm playing as Rome. go prets. and I Start thinking, the romans had most of the mediteranian concord by 300 ad, well I was at like 100 ad so I had like 5 turns to war againced greece, turkey, Egypt, parts of france, and all of spain and portugal. well my situation is... I need a game where the turnes go by like epic time, but production stays at normal, and only production.

    so what do you guys think???

  • #2
    The expansion of the Roman empire was completed by 106 AD (incorparation of Dacia (roughly todays Romania) and Arabia (roughly the Sinai peninsula)). By 300 AD, Dacia had been lost already again (271AD).

    But if You are not satisfied with the production multipliers on any game speed, there is an xml-file in which You can change that (somebody please name it for him - i dont know which file it is)...


    • #3
      There is of course the option to either:
      1. Change the game speed (gamespeedinfos.xml) to increase production speed in epic or marathon.
      2. Change the era lengths to more accurately reflect the times you want (say, in AD 1 you could have each turn take 1 year)... I think that's also in the gamespeed xml.

      2. sounds more like what you want - you want lots of turns in the roman era. You could even start the game at say 400 BC and then have each turn take a few years, and then progressively less time until AD 500. 900 years, you could either do every single turn as a year, or do 2 years per turn in BC and 1 in AD for 700 turns. This is an approach that would leave you in the Roman time for rather longer.

      Or play Rhye's mod...
      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.

