I am working for a french newsmagazine dedicated to strategy video games : www.cyberstratege.com
We are preparing a special edition on Civ4 BTS and we want to make polls to determine what are the best leaders/wonders/unique units/traits on this game.
So here is our first question :
Who are the best leaders in Civ4 Beyond the Sword ?
In fact there are 2 questions : who is the best economic leader ? who is the best military leader ?
For each, could you mention your 3 favorite and add some words to explain ?
NOTE : consider it for a standard solo game : 7 players on fractal, normal size and speed, difficulty prince, beginng in 4000 BC.
Thanks everybody
The mag will be out in October in France, Belgium. There will be maybe an online edition.
PS : the vote will close wednesday the 5th.
I am working for a french newsmagazine dedicated to strategy video games : www.cyberstratege.com
We are preparing a special edition on Civ4 BTS and we want to make polls to determine what are the best leaders/wonders/unique units/traits on this game.
So here is our first question :
Who are the best leaders in Civ4 Beyond the Sword ?
In fact there are 2 questions : who is the best economic leader ? who is the best military leader ?
For each, could you mention your 3 favorite and add some words to explain ?
NOTE : consider it for a standard solo game : 7 players on fractal, normal size and speed, difficulty prince, beginng in 4000 BC.
Thanks everybody

The mag will be out in October in France, Belgium. There will be maybe an online edition.
PS : the vote will close wednesday the 5th.