Its really nice that you can switch languages in Civ4 without reloading the game. But there are several glitches in the german version:
- "Power" (as in the powergraph) is translated as "Elektrizität" which obviously means "electicity" - not quite the same as "power" - suggestion: make it "Macht" (like the "force" in "Star Wars")
- when a nuke is fired it says "xy zünedete eine atombombe über yz, die JEDOCH explodierte" (or something like this) - this translates back to: "xy fired a nuke at yz, BUT it did explode" - now you can guess this is rather confusing... it is a message for a succesful nuclear strike as i figured later... the BUT (JEDOCH) needs to be removed at the least - if firaxis needs help with german translation--- here i am...
- "Power" (as in the powergraph) is translated as "Elektrizität" which obviously means "electicity" - not quite the same as "power" - suggestion: make it "Macht" (like the "force" in "Star Wars")
- when a nuke is fired it says "xy zünedete eine atombombe über yz, die JEDOCH explodierte" (or something like this) - this translates back to: "xy fired a nuke at yz, BUT it did explode" - now you can guess this is rather confusing... it is a message for a succesful nuclear strike as i figured later... the BUT (JEDOCH) needs to be removed at the least - if firaxis needs help with german translation--- here i am...