I must confess that I think the AI in Bts is a disappointment. If you play with the default settings, then you get a game that is only a bit more aggressive than a SimCity-style sim. You don't even have to keep any kind of standing army to prevent invasion. I've played until into the 1700's on Prince level with nothing more than two armies in each city and none of the AI civs bothered to take advantage of that by attacking.
It's just the opposite with the aggressive AI setting. Then it's basically war all the time. If I wanted that, I'd play one of the Total War games. They do it better. I don't understand why there can't be a setting somewhere inbetween. I'm looking for something different in the Civ games, something between a empire-building game and a war game. It seemed that earlier versions of the game provided that.
It's just the opposite with the aggressive AI setting. Then it's basically war all the time. If I wanted that, I'd play one of the Total War games. They do it better. I don't understand why there can't be a setting somewhere inbetween. I'm looking for something different in the Civ games, something between a empire-building game and a war game. It seemed that earlier versions of the game provided that.