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BtS unofficial patch

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  • Originally posted by Bhavv
    I thouht that total EP points determined how many espionage missions you could carry out, like you build them up over time then spend them like gold. I guess now.

    Im having fun on my third 24 turn golden age
    This is correct BUT they are always relative to EACH opponent. Every time you meet a Civ in the game an Espionage Account with their name on it opens up. So you need to determine what you want to do with all of the EPs coming in (how to divide the current flow of EP among the other Civs you know about so far). At the same time each Civ has an EP Account with YOUR name on it as well. When you finally decide you want to spend some of these saved points vs. one of the other Civs your relative saved EPs are compared to one another, if you've saved up a LOT MORE on them then they on you, all missions are at a discount but if the other way around you have to pay a premium (oh, and you need to plant a spy actually there in one of their cities with the longer you have him sitting there before attempting anything netting you a bigger discount).


    • Cottage turns into city ruins!

      My worker just finished building a cottage in the north western portion of my small empire (one tile away from the coast, along the river shared by mansu)

      On the very next turn it turns into city ruins.. not sure if I should be happy or sad..

      using the latest unofficial patch

      ETA: It was a disaster event that created it, but did not get the normal red/green text notifying me of events that happen within my borders
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Rockoon; August 8, 2007, 23:22.


      • I've posted an update with no bugfixes but a couple of AI tweaks. Try it if you're curious

        * AI will use espionage to destroy non-resource terrain improvements - such as Towns.
        * AI may destroy improvements through espionage just because it hates you, with no war plan
        * Increased likelihood of the AI stealing techs - hopefully it will do so now
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • Solver,

          I have a suggestion but I'm not sure if you want to incorporate it in the good work you are doing here or in the official patch (or ignore it altogether). You see posts here and there on players losing to an AI pulling off a cultural victory, and they really get a kick out of it. The problem is the threat is a total paper tiger. When a human decides to go for cultural victory he can shut off research and use diplomacy and the predictability of the AI to avoid wars. However, once a human sees the AI going for cultural victory, you simply raze one of their legendary cities. Once players are aware this is possible, they will probaby never fall to it again.

          My suggestion is to tie the victory conditions screen to passive espionage, and even the legendary city announcements to passive espionage. This way if you don't have an EP ratio of at least X (I have no suggestion on what a good number might be) with an AI pursuing cultural victory, you don't get free advanced warning on what they are up to.



          • Originally posted by Solver
            I've posted an update with no bugfixes but a couple of AI tweaks. Try it if you're curious
            But you have not updated the post so people know which one is being downloaded. Or has the download even been posted?

            In your experience with the released BtS, can fighters get the intercept promotions? The pedia & the promos xml say interception1 has no prerequisites, but it doesn't happen that way in my experience.
            Is there an easy (xml related) workaround?


            • Originally posted by Jaybe

              But you have not updated the post so people know which one is being downloaded. Or has the download even been posted?
              The post in front is updated, but yeah, its hard to say since the name is always so abstracted. I knew it was the latest as only one CPP file and the DLL were shown to be updated on the 12th (as Solver is based in Latvia he's already a good half day ahead of us here in the US).


              • Solver,

                I see thta you removed the inflation for Corps. So is it a flat 5 Gold? Is it possible to make it like CTP2's frnachises that take 10% of production. But instead have a corporation cost 10% of the commerce in a city? that way the costs and maybe even the money you receive vary based on the population served.

                just a thought
                Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                See me at


                • * Auto-explore change per Bhruic.
                  If this was meant to fix the auto-explore units going back and forth between two tiles, it isn't working. I just tried the latest version and I noticed a Celt Scout getting stuck.


                  • Originally posted by Jaybe

                    But you have not updated the post so people know which one is being downloaded. Or has the download even been posted?
                    Sorry, forgot to update the first post, though the update has been posted, and a new one is coming up shortly. Was sleepy when posting last night

                    In your experience with the released BtS, can fighters get the intercept promotions? The pedia & the promos xml say interception1 has no prerequisites, but it doesn't happen that way in my experience.
                    Is there an easy (xml related) workaround?
                    That'd be because Fighters have 100% interception probability already, hence the promotion would be meaningless. If you, for example, changed Fighters to 70% interception chance, the promotion would re-enable itself.
                    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                    • Originally posted by E

                      I see thta you removed the inflation for Corps. So is it a flat 5 Gold? Is it possible to make it like CTP2's frnachises that take 10% of production. But instead have a corporation cost 10% of the commerce in a city? that way the costs and maybe even the money you receive vary based on the population served.

                      just a thought
                      5 gold is the income, not the maintenance. Maintenance scales depending on a number of factors, one of which is how many resources you have for that corporation to consume.
                      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                      • Originally posted by Solver
                        That'd be because Fighters have 100% interception probability already, hence the promotion would be meaningless. If you, for example, changed Fighters to 70% interception chance, the promotion would re-enable itself.
                        So this intercept promotion now only applies to a few Ground to Air unit types?


                        • Well, it's only useful for them.
                          Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                          Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                          I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                          • Re: BtS AI - minor update

                            Shouldn't that be in the CvGameCoreDLL directory???

                            Originally posted by Solver
                            Here's a minor update to the BtS AI, and some minorish fixes.


                            * Fixing a possible infinite loop problem with unit movement.
                            * AI now more likely to promote siege units with Accuracy to better handle the changes to bombardment in BtS
                            * AI understanding of what is an "early Wonder" now correct for non-Normal game speeds.
                            * AI civs that are close to reaching a Domination victory recognize that and are more likely to declare war, in particular with Aggressive AI.
                            * "Dead unitgroup walking" crash fix as per Dale
                            * No-conscript colony crash fix as per Gyathaar
                            * Another colony crash fix as per myself
                            * Fixed the bug allowing Forts in foreign territory, which would result in Forts overrunning useful rival improvements.
                            * AIs close to domination population will have a high priority for health buildings in cities that are unhealthy.
                            * AIs close to domination population will put a high priority on researching Genetics and will like other health techs better.
                            * The AI will be less reluctant to raze cities that have its state religion if it doesn't have the shrine for that religion.
                            * Corporation maintenance is now exempt from inflation, so the costs don't blow up so much.
                            * Poison Water and Ferment Unhappiness missions changed for non-Normal speeds. Only the duration scales now, not the effect. So on Marathon, it will be -8 happy for 24 turns, not -24 happy for 24 turns.
                            * Added possible workaround for a crash bug.
                            * Fixed an infinite loop problem with city attackers (thanks Gyathaar)
                            * Blockade code rewritten so that blockading is now much faster, as per Gyathaar

                            August 06 update:

                            * Fixed Quick-speed crash (whoops)
                            * Auto-explore change per Bhruic.
                            * Auto-explorers will heal when wounded.
                            * Advanced start population selling fixed per Gyathaar
                            * Fixed the AP-conversion hammer bug

                            Download temporarily unavailable (give it an hour)

                            To install, just put the DLL file from the zip file into the Assets folder of your BtS installation (by default something like c:\program files\firaxis games\civilization iv\beyond the sword\assets). Putting the file into CustomAssets will not work!

                            If you want a fix to the Military Academy bug, download the next file and place it into Assets\XML\Units (again, preferably back up the original).

                            Download Mil. Academy Fix


                            • Hey Solver, I don't know if this is beyond the scope of your patch, or if you want stuff like this reported here. Anyway, there's something wacked with the worker routines. Take a look at what Cyrus is doing here... one worker is putting a workshop over top of the wheat, and in the very next tile another worker is putting a farm overtop a workshop.

                              Here's a pic



                              • Shouldn't that be in the CvGameCoreDLL directory???

                                No, the source files (.cpp and .h) belong there if you want them, but the dll itself belongs in Assets.
                                Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                                Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                                I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

