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BTS guide download

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  • BTS guide download

    For those of us whose shops were sold out and couldn't wait so downloaded BTS from places like direct2drive (phew that was a long sentence, oops I'm making it longer)...... is there a place to download the guide?

    It was rather foolish of me to download the game. I own the disks for the others and should have realized that this is one game where the guide can be very useful. heh. I had hoped it would be somewhere in the download but unfortunately not.

    I'm seriously considering buying it again!

    Anybody know?

    Lord Michlo

    Founder and protector of Clan Walker

  • #2
    The manual that follows the printed version isn't really that great. You'll get a brief overview where they refer to the civliopedia for details. You'll get enough information by reading the "Beyond the Sword contents" (or something like that) in the cilivopedia and if you also read Solver's review, you have enough to understad the new mechanics. Unless you really want to have a official hardcopy of the game, don't bother buying it just for the guide.


    • #3
      Thanks, mate, I appreciate it.
      Lord Michlo

      Founder and protector of Clan Walker


      • #4
        No problem Always happy to help a fellow civ'er


        • #5
          It's infrequent that a game comes with a big, thick and comprehensive printed manual these days.

          I think its a combination of costs of printing, changes in the game during its final phases, and the fact that many people do not RTFM in the first place.


          • #6
            A good intermediate between a printed manual and no manual at all would be a pdf-manual (like it is included in many games).

            As it hasn´t to go to print it can be corrected till very late in the developmental process of the game and might therefore cover more changes in the game mechanics as a printed manual would have.
            as printed manuals couldn´t be altered anymore after they´re out for print (although it is nice to hold real paper in yur hands instead of looking at the manual on your monitor)
            Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
            Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"

