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What use are

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  • What use are

    Industrial Parks and Forest Perserves.

    It appears the IP gives a lot of pollution of a free specialist, doesn't seem like a good trade to me. Does anyone use it.

    FP are only good in the city that you create the national park, otherwise, what good are they?


  • #2
    You bet Industrial Preserves are good - remember that all you need is a few extra health for it to not cause a problem - a Hospital cancels out the maximum negative it can be, and a Recycling Centre kills most of its pollution, along with all other building-based pollution.

    Forest Preserves are good for cities where you've kept some forests (with Lumber Mills) for production/health, but otherwise want to maximise gold. You can get extra gold from forests with Preserves if they are along rivers. Other than that though, I think they're useless. And I have trouble enough finding a city with enough forests by the time the National Park comes around - let alone one I don't mind depriving of coal!

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


    • #3
      One interesting use of forest preserves might be in cities with unforested tundra. If the improvement in the chances of forest growth is big enough, it might make sense to use a forest preserve to encourage growth in surrounding tundra and then convert to lumber mills. That could make tundra tiles that have traditionally been useless a significant source of additional production - especially with a corporation that gives extra food. I have no idea whether the increase in the chances of forest growth is big enough to make that strategy worthwhile, though. (My copy of BtS is still in the mail, so I haven't had any opportunity to experiment yet.)


      • #4
        As you get a free specialist with for each forest/ jungle preserved where you build your national park, you can get quite good benefits from it.

        Industrial parks I haven't tried yet also cause of unhealth (I'm almost always unhealthy)


        • #5
          Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
          You bet Industrial Preserves are good
          Industrial preserves?

          If a city has enough help I always build the industrial park. A free specialist is always good if it doesn't hurt the city. I don't build them where there's only little extra health though
          This space is empty... or is it?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Adagio

            Industrial preserves?

            Obviously, when a nation relies more and more on service sector and information tech, it's good to have few heavy industrial preserves around.
            I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


            • #7
              Industrial Preserves = museums of industry.
              No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
              "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


              • #8
                I only build industrial parks in smaller cities that won't be affected by the extra . I don't build them in my 20+ cities for 2 reasons: I'll probably lose a person from it and they don't need the production. Once I start to get some more health in cities, I will build industial parks in my cities.
                USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
                The video may avatar is from


                • #9
                  Note that Forest Preserves replace the old Environmentalism effect of +1 happy per forest (they do this regardless of whether you're in Environmentalism or not, Environmentalism now has the windmill commerce instead). As such they are best built in forests which AREN'T being worked, to get a free terrain improvement effect without "spending" workforce on the tile.

                  As a rule, if the city needs happy, it's worth building a forest preserve, even if the forest will be worked. This is especially true when running Environmentalism or the National Park city.


                  • #10
                    If it is the National Park city, then you you can make enginers to replace the lost production. Then you also get GP poionts.
                    USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
                    The video may avatar is from


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Blake
                      Note that Forest Preserves replace the old Environmentalism effect of +1 happy per forest (they do this regardless of whether you're in Environmentalism or not, Environmentalism now has the windmill commerce instead). As such they are best built in forests which AREN'T being worked, to get a free terrain improvement effect without "spending" workforce on the tile.

                      As a rule, if the city needs happy, it's worth building a forest preserve, even if the forest will be worked. This is especially true when running Environmentalism or the National Park city.
                      I didn't realise Forest Preserves did this until recently. They can actually be quite useful during prolonged war where happiness can really become an issue.

                      Plus, an interesting aspect of this is the fact that Forest Preserves situated so that they're in the big fat cross of two (or more) cities will provide the happiness modifier to both cities, even for the city where the square is greyed out! Pretty neat.


                      • #12
                        I thought they would be useful in a couple of areas where I had no city, but lots of forest/tundra. Keep chopping the forest, leaving reserves to regrow them.
                        It doesn't appear to regrow the forests quick enough though.

