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BTS Mod help

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  • BTS Mod help

    I thought I'd start a thread for us to discuss the great new mods that come with BTS and any aid we might need for them.

    To start off, out of the ones I've played so far I've really enjoyed Final Frontier but my favourite has to be NextWar. These are definitely elements the core game should have for the "future" play. I think I'll be playing most of my games with this mod loaded.

    I started off enjoying Age of Ice but this is what prompted me to start this thread. What is the best strategy here. I kept finding myself boxed in to the little starting valley since we have to get enough tech and strength to block the two entrances. Any clues please?

    Lord Michlo

    Founder and protector of Clan Walker

  • #2
    Wow 26 views of this note and not one response? heh. Are none of you playing the mods? :P
    Lord Michlo

    Founder and protector of Clan Walker


    • #3
      Originally posted by Michlo
      Wow 26 views of this note and not one response? heh. Are none of you playing the mods? :P
      Some of us aren't even playing BtS yet. My copy is currently in the mail somewhere between Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Huntsville, Alabama, but I have no idea where. And I'll probably play the core game for a long time before I ever get around to trying the scenarios - assuming I do at all.


      • #4
        Thanks for the reply. I hope your game arrives soon.

        I find that playing with the NextWar mod is pretty much playing the core game as it only comes into play once you reach "the future".
        Lord Michlo

        Founder and protector of Clan Walker


        • #5
          Come on people, I need help with the Age of Ice. I really want to play this mod but it is pissing me off now. heh.

          Either I manage to block the two entrances to the valley and can then hold off all attacks but can't break out or I don't block them in time and start getting beaten down.

          In either case I'm nowhere near being able to go and retrieve the pieces of the Godslayer.

          Any hints?
          Lord Michlo

          Founder and protector of Clan Walker


          • #6
            Blocking yourself in does not sound like a good search strategy. I haven't pursued that one yet. It sounds like an RPG version of Civ so I will get to it. I am having a heck of a time getting past Astronomy in the base game at Noble, Epic Speed without being hopelessly behind the AI. Great improvements in the AI, but won't get to mods until I figure that out.
            No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
            "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


            • #7
              Perhaps not but since the two opponents you're fighting along with Barbarians are blocking most of the rest of the map when you start......
              Lord Michlo

              Founder and protector of Clan Walker

