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Great Wall bug(?) in BTS

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  • Great Wall bug(?) in BTS

    I am not sure if this is a bug, or a misunderstanding of the Great Wall that I have never noticed in Warlords.

    I was playing a hotseat game with a couple of friends. We don't play that competitively, so we do watch over each other turns. They bought BTS yesterday and we fired up a game that will take us weeks to finish but we like to do this sort of thing.

    One player (playing the Dutch) finished the Great Wall. Some turns later, a Barbarian galley entered his cultural borders. I pointed this out, but my friend said it only applies to land units, not sea units. The barb galley proceeded to pillage a fish unit from my friend since he didn't have any naval units nearby.

    IS this a bug? Can barb naval vessels enter your cultural borders with the Great Wall in Warlords and I never noticed it? Or is this a new feature (or bug!) in BTS?

  • #2
    I guess they can. If you think about it... why would a land wall stop barbarian ships anyway?


    • #3
      Originally posted by sneaky
      I guess they can. If you think about it... why would a land wall stop barbarian ships anyway?
      Well, because I thought the code of the GW implied they simply couldn't enter your cultural boundaries, period.


      • #4
        It would be rather silly for the Great Wall to keep out ships


        • #5
          Just as silly as it being able to keep land units out of your area in front of the wall.
          - Dregor


          • #6
            Er, no. It keeps out barbarians, which is true to its historical use.


            • #7
              Yes, but how does it keep them out from the cultural areas that spread after the wall was erected. I'm not really arguing the reasons gameplay wise, but if you're going to cite the fact that it won't stop ships as being logical, then you need to look at the fact that it stops barbs that don't necessarily have to cross it to get in your territory.
              - Dregor


              • #8
                In Warlords the barbs didn't have any ships so they couldn't enter the cultural sea borders obviously.

