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BtS AI Oddities

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  • BtS AI Oddities

    I figured a thread gathering all the different possible AI glitches might be a good idea.

    - Explore code seems a little busted. Had open borders with all the civs on my continent, yet my scout wouldn't go exploring un-revealed areas. Instead he just moved back and forth between 2 spots about 15 tiles apart. Additionally, had a trireme that wouldn't auto-explore past a barbarian cultural border to continue exploring the coastline.

    - Had a barbarian uprising event occur on my border, about 5 archers. They immediately decided to ignore my pillage-worthy lands and fled my borders.

    Feel free to add the odd AI bugs you've found so far.
    - Dregor

  • #2
    Re: BtS AI Oddities

    Originally posted by dregor
    - Explore code seems a little busted. Had open borders with all the civs on my continent, yet my scout wouldn't go exploring un-revealed areas. Instead he just moved back and forth between 2 spots about 15 tiles apart. Additionally, had a trireme that wouldn't auto-explore past a barbarian cultural border to continue exploring the coastline.
    I noticed the same about my ships that I set to auto-explore just went around in circles. After ~100 turns I noticed that I have discovered almost nothing of the ocean (except from what I've gotten from map trading). When I found the ship again I noticed that it was still in the same area I left it 100 turns ago (and near that area there was still a lot of undiscovered tilesa
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • #3
      Only playing my first BTS-game. Monarch level.
      I strated out on a snaky island with Saladin.

      Saladin just refuses to expand.
      It is 1300AD and he has 2 cities only and does not seem to be interested in the slightest to build any more although there for a long time was nice and available terrain close to his starting location.
      (now he for instance lacks iron, because of failing to consider colonizing land just 6 squares north of his starting location)

      Saladin appear compleatly idle somehow. He has built a reasonable number of military units, but there is no-one to attack. (we are at friendly relation so backstabbing is excluded). There is a barbarian city on our island, but Saladin does not seem intrested in attacking those either.

      There also is a nice smaller island just a few squares west of the main island with nice terrain and several goody-huts.
      Saladin explored the area with a ship early on but despite knowing there is nice land to settle and goody huts to be popped he ignores it. The ship then just moves back and forth turn after turn. At the same time there is 20+ units stationed in his city only 6 squares away. Still he failes to transport a unit to explore the huts.

      100 turns later I explore and colonize the island.

      I of course have to play more in order to evaluate the A.I fairly but my first impressions are not very posetive.
      Just What is going on? The A.I appears compleatly
      shut-down somehow..
      GOWIEHOWIE! Uh...does that
      even mean anything?


      • #4
        It could be that the AI routines for optimal city placements were messed by the snaky island setup. I haven't seen this on land maps...Blake is reading, though, so let's see his take.
        I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

        "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


        • #5
          After watching the history video of my last game I noticed that Egypt also never expanded beyond one city. I never got to know them, as Thebes (which had a few wonders) was conquered before I met them. They had plenty of land to expand to, and the civ that conquered them was located far away, so they also had plenty of time

          Edit: And this was on fractal map (about 10 tiles away from ocean)
          This space is empty... or is it?


          • #6
            Found one strange thing here. Played a tiny pangea map (just to actually test BtS). My Civ started with a warrior which I used to explore with. Came quickly upon my first neighbours wich I whink was the Mayans, they had anyway a warrior-class UU. As their capital was on a hill, I spotted it within their borders (before the fat X was expanded). I moved my warrior next to the city as it was undefended so I could then easily destroy it (and then the entire civ).

            However, then I unrevealed a tile and discoverd their UU. Instead of moving this into the city to defend (wich would have ruined my attack), they moved it to the hill next to the city. Never understood why...


            • #7
              New AI is great. Good city placement, good military, barbs go for defensible(for them) improvements, like roads in forests. Lost my first Noble by ending up far behind due to the more restricted happiness/health. Was out-teched, out-militaried, out-expanded, outdone on Wonders. Did notice on replay that one civ alone on a continent was very slow to expand, building wonders instead. Darius had four wonders, two cities by 250 AD, and he's not even philosophical. That PHI trait may have restricted Salidin's settler/exploration tendency.
              No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
              "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author

