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BTS: Wrong Disc?

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  • BTS: Wrong Disc?

    So I finally got my copy of BTS this afternoon and installed it. Then, after I rebooted my computer and went to launch the game, I got the "Please insert the correct CD-ROM, select OK and restart application" notice. Figuring I needed to switch discs, I tried again, but got the same error message. I've not tried launching BTS with both BTS discs, my Warlords disc, and both CIV vanilla discs. Warlords launches just fine, as does vanilla.

    Did I just get a bum disc? Do I need to uninstall/reinstall everything? Anyone else have this problem?

  • #2
    Both disc? I thought BtS came on only one (DVD). Are you running a pirate version? If not, have you tried without any discs beside the BtS one in your drives?


    • #3
      No, it's not a pirate version, thank you very much.

      The PC CD version has two discs. I do not have the DVD version.


      • #4
        No idea what could be causing this. But given that Civ4 and Warlords are both still working it does kinda sound like a bad disc. (I'm assuming they all use a similar copy protection and would all fail to start if it was an incompatibility with your hardware. But I'm not sure about that.)


        • #5
          To play vanilla Civ4 or Warlords without scenarios, do you need to use those discs or can the bts disc be in the drive?

          anyway, I guess disable any emulation or burning software and reinstall.


          • #6
            WTF... I can't even install!! My main computer doesn't recognize Disk 1, although it does see Disk 2. It's not that Disk 1 is a total lemon, as my wife's laptop recognizes it and starts the install. And my computer is otherwise fine, as it recognizes all other CDs, including CIV and Warlords.

            Anybody have an idea?
            The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

            Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


            • #7
              Combination of the CD being edgy and your CD drive not being as good at detecting errors.


              • #8
                I am royally p#**@d!
                I bought my (US) BtS game tonight from BestBuy and installed it. After putting up with all the extra c$%p of GameSpy, etc. I was looking forward to finally getting to play. Click on the desktop icon, game goes through its usual (similar to Warlords, so I guess usual) start-up with the screen going black, various "installing" messages, hearing background ambience sounds, etc. followed by ERROR REPORT: sorry for the inconvenience .... Tried restarting my computer and trying again - same thing. Tried ejecting and then re-inserting the disk - got the option to "Play", but that yielded the same result as before.

                So I said, "screw it, let's just play Warlords" and clicked the Warlords icon. Before installing BtS I didn't need to have any disk in my drive to play. Now Warlords is demanding to have its disk inserted - not really a problem in that I have perfectly legal purchased editions of cIV and Warlords - so now I'll have to dig out that disk from wherever I stored it and have to have it handy every time I want to play.

                So I don't have BtS and my Warlords isn't as useful as it was before. I spent $29.99 + tax for this?
                The (self-proclaimed) King of Parenthetical Comments.


                • #9
                  Sounds like you had the no-cd patch version of warlords. firaxis mistakenly released that at first. re-download the patch for warlords and then try installing BTS.


                  • #10
                    I have a similar but slightly different problem.

                    • I have purchased Civ IV on DVD, Warlords on CD and BTS on DVD.
                    • Both of the DVD’s (Civ IV and BTS) give me the “Please insert the correct CD-ROM” every time I try to start the game despite the fact that I have the original, brand new DVD sitting in the drive.
                    • I have tried starting the game from the DVD’s auto-play and get the same error.
                    • Warlords, which I bought on CD rather than DVD works fine.

                    Anyone have any idea why this might occur?

                    I can get around it via no-DVD patches but every time a patch comes out I can’t play it until the corresponding no-DVD patch comes out.


                    • #11
                      Rowick: Other than making sure you have it in the original installation drive, and making sure you don't have any emulation software that might piss off safediisc, no idea. Try working with TakeTwo.

                      patcon: If you didn't need a disc for warlords, you either had Direct2Drive/Steam, or as wiggie says you got a no-cd patch. Technically the cd-rom version of warlords requires the disk in, so it's not a mistake or a bug for it to require it, unless you got the direct2drive or steam version (in which case the patch is different). No idea on the BtS issue other than perhaps a bad installation or a bad disc...
                      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by PantherCHE
                        No, it's not a pirate version, thank you very much.

                        The PC CD version has two discs. I do not have the DVD version.
                        Sorry, I heard/ read somewhere that it would only be released on DVD, that's why I though you might had an "unofficial" version

                        Sad you guys can't play it Maybe the copy protection system is too heavy?


                        • #13
                          The game has been released on DVD in europe and on 2 CD's in America.
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • #14
                            I couldn't get BTS to install on my laptop. In the end, I managed to install it on another computer and copy everything across. It wasn't fast and I had to hunt down registry keys but it's now working.

                            Originally posted by Theseus
                            WTF... I can't even install!! My main computer doesn't recognize Disk 1, although it does see Disk 2. It's not that Disk 1 is a total lemon, as my wife's laptop recognizes it and starts the install. And my computer is otherwise fine, as it recognizes all other CDs, including CIV and Warlords.

                            Anybody have an idea?
                            I suppose this might work for you if you could then play with disk 2. I have the DVD version so I don't know if that's possible.

                            But if I were in your position, I'd definitely be trying to get replacement disks. The manual might tell you who to bother about that.


                            • #15
                              I found that when I installed BtS the icon that was placed on my desktop was for vanilla and I couldn't find BtS in the programs through the start menu.

                              I get it to play by running the dvd directly through the dvd drive, it works that way fine. A bit annoying but I'm sure it will be sorted out at some stage.

