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My initial look at BTS

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  • My initial look at BTS

    First off, I am in no way a 'master' civer, but a very devoted fan. And so I thought I would post what my initial reaction was to the BTS XP.

    First off, thankfully mmy copy has been spared (So far) the numerous bugs I've seen several people have. Though there is a minor one that allowed my GG to build an academy before military science.

    Im not sure if it actually is the game, or just my imagination, but everything seemed to move faster. The time between turns was a fraction of what warlords took, and windows seem to pop up faster. Also, foreign leader heads seem to freeze MUCH less often.

    I love the slight fade that the Fog of War has when it is pushed back or moves forward. And unit movement seems to be much more fluid. Though one thing I noticed was that often an enemy unit would fall dead but my troop would still be fighting air. But thats not major.

    As for AI.... WOW.... I started as the HRE and I started on a small continent w/ Sitting Bull. I had no Iron and no horses. So i tried to overwhelm him with axes and archers. No luck. In the unrevealed territory I didn't know that he had Iron!. His Dog Soldiers and swordsmen beat back my invasion and took a small city. Thankfully a random event concerning my treatment of native american wounded (how cool is that!?) allowed me to retreat from that failed war. Shortly after England, who was on another continent, invaded me. I didn't get to see the amazing amphib's that the AI is supposed to be able to do now, becasue Sitting Bull let her waltz through his country. I faced no less than 3 stacks of at least 4 cat's each 5 HA's each, and one or two swordsmen. After loosing the war from the beggining, they surround my capitol and then the same random event saved me! By now Sitting Bull had noticed my weakness and also invaded. But I has able to beat back his stack. Though I have no way of recovering from this, I have to say, that this is awesome! Finally the AI can competently fight at middle difficulty levels (I was playing noble).

    Anyway. Thats my small review.

  • #2
    kewl that you like it to be kicked by the AI

    The time between turns was a fraction of what warlords took

    BtS did decrease the time between turns.
    A lot of code was optimzed to remove time between the turns! They did a wonderful job there!
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • #3
      Originally posted by CyberShy
      kewl that you like it to be kicked by the AI
      That has always been my biggest complaint concerning civ, ever since civ 2 (Back then the AI would just throw hordes of soldiers at you, especially in Gold Edition). The AI never could mount a considerable military campaign. I'm so glad that's been fixed.


      • #4
        I played a long game last night and had a similar experience. One thing I've taken away from that game is that you can no longer take anything for granted.

        For example, I was in a long fight til the death with my eastern neighbor, Montezuma, that I was finally about to win, barely. And my nice Native American western neighbor, who had nothing but positive points with me, relationship wise, promptly hit me right where I wasn't expecting it with huge stacks of armies, and I had no way to defend myself after the long, drawn-out campaign I was just finishing against Montezuma.

        It really seems that, in BTS, your main priority (on the higher levels, at least) is going to have to be to have a strong defense that is ready for anything, which is going to make it more difficult to have all-out offensive campaigns. I think I can enjoy this approach, but in many respects it seems like a different style of game play.


        • #5
          O yeah, that was one thing I forgot to mention. Vicky and I had +4 relations when she invaded. then when Sitting bull attacked I think we were maybe +1 or so. My lesson learned. Don't take your time building an army, especially playing marathon...


          • #6
            My first game: I launch the spaceship to Alpha Centauri ... and 6 turns before it lands, Willem van Oranje wins Cultural Victory. Well done, AI.


            • #7
              It also depends on who your neighbours are. Caesar, Shaka, Montezuma, they *will* invade you at a certain time, be prepared for it.

              Willem van Oranje, Gandi, Lincoln, they'll never invade you.
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • #8
                I play with random personalities on so I cant expect who will be aggresive.

