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A Thought about Partisans and refugees

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  • A Thought about Partisans and refugees

    I sure we all remember Partisan revolts springing up in Civ 2 when larger cities were conquered. This is a very interesting mechanism I'd like to see returned and reworked.

    In my most recent game I captured two large turkish cities, one size 20 and the other size 19. War Weariness and cucurrent wars ( all three of my neighbors declared war on me on the same turn), meant that I couldn't afford to press on in taking further turkish cities which meant that when I eventually gained control of these cities, they only could work , due to turkish cultural borders, 4 tiles each. Obviously three tiles cannot support a size twenty city despite my hasty conversion of everything to farms and the population of the cities declined to 10 and 8 respectively. In the current game mechanism, this lost population doesn't go anywhere.

    My thoughts are twofold; A. perhaps the population lost from these cities would go to the nearest city of the culture they came from as refugees. To simulate the hardships they would face in this process, they could be programmed to be angry citizens for X number of turns.

    Secondly, a portion of these citizens could automatically become partisan units ala Civ 2. The cultural borders innovation could be used to limit partisans to only being able to operate in areas where they culture that founded them has a majority of control. For example, the city of edirne which i control still has a 99% turkish nationality so that turkish partisans could attack it but could not be used to attack my lands ( as partisans just want their homes back).

    I'm not good enough with modding ( and lack time) to actually do this myself, nor do I expect someone to incorporate this. I'd like however to discuss this game mechanic.
    When the stars threw down their spears,
    and water'd heaven with their tears,
    Did he smile his work to see?
    Did he who made the lamb make thee?

  • #2
    Partisans are going to be in BtS, apparently. There's supposed to be a video clip in one of the online previews which shows partisan troops appearing after the capture of a city - specifically after the razing of a city.
    LandMasses Version 3 Now Available since 18/05/2008.


    • #3
      I think Tis is on to something here. Refugees would be a great inclusion to the next xp.
      I would have them appear as refugee camps, springing up around the closest neutral civ's cities, replacing the improvements in those tiles and adding unhappiness and unhealthiness. This in turn would make the neutral civ less than happy towards the combatants and/or lead them to try to broker a cease fire.


      • #4
        Great Idea !
        There's always refugee in a war I don't know why nobody thought of that before.

        It could also be linked to the religions... like if the closest city isn't friendly or in their religion they'd spread a bit more, some would go in the closest and other to the closest with their beleifs.


        • #5
          Kind of like an exodus. Or maybe citizens with a religion different than the state would move to a state that had their religion?
          "Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools, because they have to say something."

          Which one are you?


          • #6
            Or at least a city that had their religion?
            No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
            "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author

