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Early Religion vs Bronze

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  • Early Religion vs Bronze

    The conventional wisdom here seems to be go for Bronze Working right away instead of rushing for an early religion. My games have, up till now, almost always prioritized getting an early religion. Based on the overwelming opinions expressed here, I'm going in a different direction in my current game, getting BW first.

    But I am kind of surprised that going for an early religion isn't considered a more viable alternative (especially after the nerf to chopping). Let's grant that BW provides more benefits. But going for an early religion (especially if you start with mysticism) delays BW only a few turns, whereas going with BW first generally means that you forgo founding a religion for many turns (and delay even having a religion founded elsewhere for at least a few turns).

    While I confess I haven't read every thread here, and I may have missed something, I have found very little discussion on this issue. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    n.b - ironically, I actually kind of lucked out and ended up with the best of both worlds in my current game - Theology was available just as I finished the Oracle, so I ended up founding Christianity despite going for BW and some other techs before instead of an early religion. But obviously one can't count on that happening every game; in fact, I was shocked that the Oracle wasn't completed sooner (400 BC).

  • #2
    In an SP game, and mystiscm to start, I'll usually go for the religion if I have a least two science points from my city square and one working square.

    In MP, BW first almost every time.
    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3
      Alright, when I first wrote this I had only gotten through the first 6 pages or so of Vel's Strategy thread. On page 7 or so there is a discussion of this issue, but it leaves many questions unanswered, among them an update as to strategy in fully patched Civ 4 or warlords. As suggested above, the biggest change in this regard (as far as I know) is the nerf to chopping.

      One factor which was alluded to but not fully discussed - unless you can be really aggressive early on with missionaries, you may want to hold off on choosing your state religion until you can get one of your neighbor's religions (for diplomatic reasons). Thoughts?

      And yes, I know for MP it's straight to BW every game, I'm talking about SP.


      • #4
        Just thoughts: What for religion?

        Happiness (temple) - no need of state religion;

        Happiness (just religion present) - need state or free religion;

        Intelligence or money - no need of state religion;

        To profit from religion civics - need state religion;

        To have (good or bad) diplomatic impact - need state religion.

        So, it's just a global strategic thing.

        Best regards,


        • #5
          My general rule (with random AI civs) is to go for a religion if I start with Mysticism though I might not if I have no commerce to work. I also might not if I am playing at too high a level where the key concern is to catch up.

          I will only go for Meditation or Polytheism(almost always Poly). Researching to Monotheism is likely to be leave me too long without any worker techs.

