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Apolytoners' Hall of Fame: June 2007

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  • Apolytoners' Hall of Fame: June 2007”>The initial post of the main thread. (in AC/Community)

    3rd Post down from here contains VOTING RESULTS!

    Hello and welcome to another edition of the Apolytoners Hall of Fame!

    What is it?
    The Apolytoners Hall of Fame (HoF) is a list of people who contributed a lot to the community here on Apolyton. For example: Xin Yu was inducted in the HoF for his incredible strategy and MP contributions to the Civ2 section, yin26 for his fantastic work on 'The List' with suggestions for Civ3. Every member of the Hall of Fame has made great contributions to Apolyton and the Civilization community - these people and their accomplishments must be remembered by us all!

    If you don't recognize many names you probably haven't been here very long and/or hardly ever post outside this forum - in that case this HoF might be a good opportunity to learn something about them. That is why this Hall of Fame was created: to remember and learn.

    Periodically, we hold a vote for the Apolytoners who we think contribute the most to Apolyton, the ones who make Apolyton what it is. The winners shall be inducted in the Hall of Fame and their names will live forever in the annals of APOLYTON!

    The idea for the Hall of Fame was born in late 2000 as an outgrowth of the old Apolyton Army and Apolytoner of the Season Contests, seeking to honor the people of Apolyton in a more meaningful and structured way.

    The first edition was held in the Off Topic in December 2000 over a period of 3 days and is currently archived. The first election saw Markos and Dan, the owners and administrators of this site, and the first 10 posters inducted.

    Since then, the HoF vote has been held roughly 4 times a year with 11-14 total members being elected every year. Up until August 2002, the vote was held only in the Off Topic forum - from that time on it has been posted in other sections (first in Civ3, later also in SMAC, CtP1-MP, CtP2, etc).

    This edition
    Welcome to the June 2007 edition of the APOLYTONERS HALL OF FAME

    (2 Members to be inducted this session)
    (Only 8 total will be elected this year)
    You have approximately 14 days to vote [Until June 16th).

    Please vote today and elect some of your brethren to join the historic Hall; consisting of such hallowed names as Adam Smith, DanQ, MarkG, Giant Squid, St Leo, Ming, Snapcase, samson, Locutus, oedo, rah, Alexander's Horse, and more.

    So now is your chance to decide: who should be inducted in the HoF this time?

    Table of Contents
    I Introduction Post
    1) What is it
    2) History
    3) This Edition
    4) Table of Contents
    5) Notice

    II Rules Post
    1) Rules for voting
    2) Amendments
    a) Purgings
    b) Posthumous Inductions
    3) FAQ

    III Hall Posting
    1) Hall of Fame Members
    2) Alphabetical member list
    3) Chronological member list (by date of induction)
    4) Chronological member list (by registration date)
    5) Information about the Hall of Famers

    IV Current Voting
    1) Current Standings
    2) Who voted for Whom

    POST 2

    1) Rules for voting

    Everyone can vote for 3 posters

    Registered In 1998- 5 points per vote
    Registered In 1999- 5 points per vote
    Registered In 2000- 4 points per vote
    Registered In 2001- 4 ** points per vote
    Registered In 2002- 3 points per vote
    Registered In 2003- 3 points per vote
    Registered In 2004- 3 ** points per vote
    Registered In 2005- 2 points per vote
    Registered In 2006- 2 points per vote
    Registered In 2007- 1 points per vote

    -You may not vote for yourself.
    -All 'frivolous' votes are thrown out.
    -Giving your vote to someone merely because they ask is considered a frivolous vote.

    No vote changing once you have voted for someone; unless you accidentally voted for someone already in the hall.

    You may only vote once in the hall of fame (for 3 people) IF you try to vote more than once ALL of your votes will be made void.

    Time Limit for voting is: 14-15 Days for this time.

    2) Amendments

    a) Purgings

    Members will be purged from the voting rolls if they received 0 new votes in the month of election. This allows the hall to keep up-to-date, and keeps it from having to reset completely every month. Thus, the hall worthy posters will continue to gather votes day in and day out because their contributions to Apolyton are timeless.

    b) Posthumous Inductions

    In the regrettable case where a popular member has perished, the Hall of Fame has the ability to posthumously induct him/her into the hall based upon popular opinion. The first class of posthumous inductees (December 2003) included such forum greats as Tazidude, and Scouse Gits(2).

    3) FAQ:

    Trust me, an on-topicer will never win

    What about Xin Yu? Velociryx? Darsnan? As long there is a will, an on-topicer will be inducted.


    The Hall of Fame is based on whoever people vote for, and as Lazarus and the Gimp stated so eloquently: "The compilers of this list cannot rule out the possibility of inductees being a bunch of utter ****s" Thus: please don’t shoot the messenger.

    Where is the Hall of Fame usually posted?

    From December 2000 to August 2002, the Hall of Fame had only been posted in the Off Topic forums; with occasional forays into the Apolyton/Community section. However, nowadays you can find the Apolytoners hall of fame in the OT (main) Civ III (main), Civ IV (main) and with satellite threads that link into the hall of fame in the following sections: CTP II MP, Civ II-General, AC-General, Alt.Civ section, Clash of Civilizations, CIV IV MP, and Civ III DemoGame sections.

    ”How long is voting?”

    Voting will continue for roughly 14 days.

    Why Do People who received no votes last time expire ?

    Their votes expire and they are zeroed and kicked off the list because they were not found to be interesting at the time of the last vote or two. This is done so as to keep the hall clear…

    This new process certainly keeps the hall current (a la Major League Baseball's Hall of Fame)

    I was recommended not to carry over votes at all, but will continue that tradition, because we don’t merely want “flavor of the month” posters elected. The persons who should be elected to the hall should have contributed to the site over a long period of time.
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

  • #2
    1) Hall of Fame Members

    Apolytoners' Hall of Fame Members -82

    December 2001 Adam Smith
    December 2000 Alexander's Horse [The Apolyton Troll]
    September 2004 alexman
    December 2002 Asher
    December 2005 Berserker
    December 2003 Boris Godunov
    March 2001 Boshko (AKA Zhu Yuanzhang, Dave Boshko)
    December 2001 chegitz guevara
    August 2002 Chris 62
    December 2000 DanQ
    December 2003 DanS
    June 2005 DarkCloud
    October 2006 Darsnan
    June 2006 DaveV
    May 2003 DinoDoc
    September 2004 Dr. Nick (AKA El Awrence)
    December 2005 Dr Strangelove
    March 2002 Ecthelion
    March 2001 *End is Forever* (AKA Iain Lindley)
    June 2001 EVC (AKA Evan VonChristof) [The Apolyton Daffy Duck] (Now present as Thorn)
    December 2004 Googlie
    December 2004 Kramsib
    December 2002 KrazyHorse (AKA Frogger)
    December 2000 Giant Squid (AKA Celestion the God, Alexander the Great) [The Apolyton DL]
    December 2005 Harlan
    August 2005 Immortal Wombat
    January 2001 Imran Siddiqui [ACS News Coordinator]
    December 2003 Ixnay
    June 2006 Jasev
    March 2002 Jay Bee
    March 2004 JohnT
    December 2005 LaFayette
    March 2001 Lancer
    March 2001 Lazarus and the Gimp (AKA: Ron Jeremy, Bugs ****ing Bunny, Trappist)
    January 2003 Locutus
    December 2000 Mao
    December 2000 MarkG
    August 2005 Master Zen
    December 2000 MichaeltheGreat [Another OT Moderator]
    December 2000 MikeH
    December 2000 Ming [The OT Moderator]
    June 2001 Monk
    December 2003 notyoueither
    December 2003 oedo
    January 2003 orange
    October 2006 OzzyKP
    June 2005 Paddy the Scot
    June 2002 paiktis22 (AKA Bereta_Eder)
    May 2003 Paul
    December 2000 Provost Harrison (AKA AI)
    March 2002 rah [Yet another OT moderator]
    December 2001 Ramo
    December 2003 Reismark
    December 2000 Roland
    December 2004 Samson
    March 2004 Scouse Gits
    December 2003 Scouse Gits (2)
    August 2002 Sirotnikov
    March 2007 Slow Thinker
    December 2002 Slowwhand
    December 2001 Snapcase
    June 2001 SnowFire
    September 2004 Solo
    March 2007 Solver
    September 2004 Spiffor
    June 2001 Starchild
    June 2001 Stefu
    January 2001 Stewart Spink
    December 2000 St Leo
    June 2001 SuperSneak
    December 2003Tazidude
    June 2002 TCO (AKA GP)
    June 2005 Ted Striker
    June 2006 Theseus
    May 2003 Trip
    December 2003 UnOrthOdOx
    March 2004 War4ever
    December 2001 Wraith
    March 2002 Velociryx
    March 2002 yin26
    December 2000 Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey
    June 2002 Xin Yu
    June 2006 Yaroslav
    May 2003 Zylka


    3) Chronologically

    MarkG Automatic Inductee

    DanQ Automatic Inductee

    Ming December 2000

    MikeH December 2000

    MichaeltheGreat December 2000

    Mao December 2000

    Alexander's Horse December 2000

    Giant_Squid December 2000

    Provost Harrison December 2000

    Roland December 2000

    Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey December 2000

    St. Leo December 2000

    Imran Siddiqui January 2001

    Stewart Spink January 2001

    Lancer March 2001

    Ron Jeremy/Lazarus and the Gimp March 2001

    *End is Forever*March 2001

    Boshko March 2001

    EVC/Thorn June 2001

    Monk June 2001

    Snowfire June 2001

    Starchild June 2001

    SuperSneak June 2001

    Stefu June 2001

    Adam Smith December 2001

    chegitz guevara December 2001

    Ramo December 2001

    Snapcase December 2001

    Wraith December 2001

    rah March 2002

    yin26 March 2002

    Ecthelion March 2002

    Jay Bee March 2002

    Velociryx March 2002

    Xin Yu June 2002

    TCO/GP June 2002

    paiktis22 June 2002

    Chris 62 August 2002

    Sirotnikov August 2002

    KrazyHorse December 2002

    Asher December 2002

    Slowwhand December 2002

    orange January 2003

    Locutus January 2003

    Trip May 2003

    Paul May 2003

    DinoDoc May 2003

    Zylka May 2003

    Tazidude Posthumous Inductee

    Scouse Gits(2) Posthumous Inductee

    oedo December 2003

    Boris Godunov December 2003

    ixnay December 2003

    Reismark December 2003

    UnOrthOdOx December 2003

    DanS December 2003

    notyoueither December 2003

    JohnT March 2004

    Scouse Gits March 2004

    War4ever March 2004

    Dr. Nick September 2004

    Spiffor September 2004

    Solo September 2004

    Alexman September 2004

    Samson December 2004

    Googlie December 2004

    Kramsib December 2004

    Ted Striker June 2005

    DarkCloud June 2005

    Paddy the Scot June 2005

    Immortal Wombat August 2005

    Master Zen August 2005

    LaFayette December 2005

    Berserker December 2005

    Harlan December 2005

    Dr Strangelove December 2005

    Jasev June 2006

    Theseus June 2006

    DaveV June 2006

    Yaroslav June 2006

    Darsnan October 2006

    OzzyKP October 2006

    Solver March 2007

    Slow Thinker March 2007


    4) Sorted by Year Registered

    1998 (31)



    Imran Siddiqui

    *End is Forever*



    Dr Strangelove

    Jay Bee

    St. Leo





    Xin Yu









    Adam Smith


    Lazarus and the Gimp



    Ted Striker

    Stewart Spink


    1999 (22)

    JohnT (Mar 1999)

    Paul (Mar 1999)

    Velociryx (April 1999)

    Lancer (April 1999)

    yin26 (April 1999)

    Googlie (April 1999)

    MikeH (May 1999)

    Berzerker (May 1999)

    Mao (June 1999)

    Wraith (Aug 1999)

    DinoDoc (sept 1999)

    Slowwhand (Sept 1999)

    Dr. Nick (Sept 1999)

    Ramo (Oct 1999)


    Asher (Nov 1999)

    Locutus (Nov 1999)

    Scouse Gits (Nov 1999)

    Tazidude (?)



    EVC/Thorn (1999)

    2000 (12)

    SlowThinker (Jan 2000)

    Provost Harrison (Feb 2000)

    oedo (Feb 2000)

    Sirotnikov (Feb 2000)

    orange (Feb 2000)

    Ecthelion (Mar 2000)

    Zylka (May 2000)

    chegitz guevara (june 2000)

    SuperSneak (June 2000)

    DarkCloud (July 2000)

    Solver (September 2000)

    paiktis22 (Oct 2000)

    LaFayette (Oct 2000)

    Immortal Wombat (Dec 2000)

    2001 (12)

    Chris 62 (jan 2001)

    Solo (jan 2001)

    Jasev (feb 2001)

    Paddy the Scot (Mar 2001)

    samson (April 2001)

    Frogger/KrazyHorse (may 2001)

    Yaroslav (June 2001)

    Boris Godunov (aug 2001)

    notyoueither (aug 2001)

    Kramsib (Sept 2001)

    Spiffor (Nov 2001)

    Darsnan (Dec 2001)

    2002 (3)

    Trip (april 2002)

    Theseus (april 2002)

    UnOrthOdOx (June 2002)

    2003 (1)

    Master Zen (January 2003)


    5) Information About the Hall of Famers
    Information Courtesy: The Apolyton 100

    MarkG - Founder of the site and maintainer. He has created numerous scripts for the site; uploaded data and dealt with troubles, all the while still finding the time to post in the Civ II sections and play Civ. A true legend.
    DanQ - Founder of the site and maintainer. He has created numerous scripts for the site; uploaded data and dealt with troubles, all the while still finding the time to post in the Civ II sections and play Civ. A true legend. Check out his Faces of Apolyton Interview Here.
    Ming - OT moderator. Benevolent and kind. Civ II Mper and Civ II poster. He keeps order on the site and posts a lot in the OT. Check out his Faces of Apolyton Interview Here.
    MikeH - AC-Player; now best known for his Off-topic postings. He now resides at CounterGlow.
    MichaeltheGreat - Off topic moderator. Civ II player.
    Mao - OT poster, he also posted in the Civ II sections until Aug 2000 when he faded from the forums
    EVC - Humorous. Slightly offensive. Well-known for micronationalism; crazed antics. OT regular until his permabanning
    Giant Squid - Old Mod-Maker for Civ II and poster on the forums since almost their inception. Best known for Apolyton Micronationalism.
    Provost Harrison - AC poster, OT poster, ubiquitious poster. Provost is best known for his off-topic exploits.
    Roland - Apolyton economist and financial wizard
    Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey - Co-Founded of The Alpha Centauri Nexus (more popular than ACN's SMAC section at the game's peak).
    St. Leo - Currently hangs out and promotes the Scenario League. He used to be one of the more important Civ II posters.
    Imran Siddiqui- For a time, he was the ACS News Editor. He was a heavy poster back in the old days. Civ II poster. Civ III-ideas poster and contributor to “The List” Now he generally hangs out in the Off-Topic and runs the Fantasy Baseball League. He enjoyed the old Story-Threads and contributed to many of them.
    Stewart Spink - Humor. Spam. OT. Discussions. He was an Apolyton staff member at one time. He maintained the Civ II Top Ten Scoring list and some other things. He also had his own Civ II site.
    Lancer - Well known for his charitable Karen Mills threads about the family in the Phillipines and the Apolyton House. He is also well known for his many invaluable Civ II contribuitions. He also created the Apolytoner of the Season contests. See his Faces of Apolyton Interview HERE
    Ron Jeremy- Humorous/Cynical Apolytoner. An old Civ II-er, he now hangs out in the OT.
    *End is Forever* - Very interested in music. OT-er.
    Boshko- OT-er. Big in political threads
    Monk - OT-er.
    "Monk is a Dane who comes from Denmark. His name isn't Rasmussen, which means he can't become the prime minister, but he can still become an astronaut, a lion tamer or otherwise famed for his cocksmanship. He has posted in Apolyton for a very very very very very long time but hasn't yet died or been severely incapacitated, and can gallop merrily through voluminous fields of sunflowers. I once had a Monk in my left big toe, but it slowly got better. In conclusion, the world isn't usually harmed by his presence, and this essay has 100 words now." -Contribuited by Stefu

    Snowfire - Great contribuiter to The List for Civ III… One of the threadmasters for the Civ III list.
    Stefu - STEFU! Finnish OT-er! Very humorous. Check out his Faces of Apolyton Interview

    Adam Smith - Financial wizard. Economist. Used to be big in the Civ II sections; he now solicits financial advice in the OT.
    chegitz guevara - Communist… You guessed it… Theben’s brother. Currently lives in Florida. Well known for his remarkably Left-wing viewpoints.
    Ramo - Another Libertarian/Anarchist. Yet Another Texan named Omar. Off-Topic debator.
    Snapcase - Hacker, OT-er, and in charge of the Apolyton News.
    Wraith - Social Libertarian. OT-er. Anime fan. MORE INFORMATION NEEDED
    rah - Major Civ II Mper, brother of Ming and current moderator of the OT. He also posts in the Civ II general section.
    yin26- - South Korean master of THE LIST for Civ III! Yin26 used to be moderator of the Civ III section until he decided that he didn’t like Civ III… yin 26’s listmastering tasks are not to be underestimated- he sorted through THOUSANDS of posts to find the best to submit to Firaxis in that huge 200 to 400-or-so page sacred document that is: THE LIST.
    Ecthelion- - Deutsche-Spam. Prominent OT-er known for his humor. Formerly known as Andz83 and ChaosWarrior, Ecthelion originally posted in the Civilization II section. History happens to be one of his favorite topics.
    Jay Bee- - Current moderator of the Spanish Civilization II section of the Forums. He is also the genial head of the Spanish Civilization II Site; an excellent site with many varied Spanish-setting scenarios. Jay Bee has been with Apolyton almost since its inception, being one of the first 4 people to register on the forums; right behind the venerable MarkG, DanQ and DarthVeda.
    Velociryx - Current head of the Candle’bre project, a project centered around creating a free 4x and massively multiplayer game a la Trade Empires. Vel is also the published author of a recently (July 2002) released Mystery. He also published a strategy guide for Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri and Alien Crossfire. He is a former AC-Fiction author and frequent AC-contributor. He was nce voted Apolytoner of the Season for the entire site. More information can be found in the Faces of Apolyon Interview by Solver
    Xin Yu - Civ II strategy master and MPer. More information can be found in his Faces of Apolyon Interview by Solver
    GP/TCO- Best known for his advocacy for the "Branching Thread" format; GP is a former Navy Crewman who happens to be a frequent debater and frequenter of the Apolyton Off-Topic; he has also, in the past, visited the Civ II section, giving hints and advice.
    paiktis22- PLEASE CONTRIBUTE INFORMATION; Apolyton OT-er and former Civ III-ideas and Civ II regular.
    Chris62 - He frequents the Spanish Civilization II, Scenario League, OT, General, Multiplayer website forums.
    Sirotnikov Humorous. Defends Israel in the OT (since he lives in Israel). Mostly known for his OT work, although he does make some forays into the Civ-community
    KrazyHorse/Frogger Large OT poster and debater... and sometimes poster in the Civ II sections
    Asher Prominent and loyal Oter
    Slowwhand OT and Civ II poster and Multiplayer.
    Locutus CTP/CTP2 Ladder/MP, modmaking and CTP/CTP2 moderatorialship fame. Check out his Faces of Apolyton interview”>Here.
    orange The poster of Apolyton Yearbook fame! A valued OTer and former civ II and CivIII-civilizations section poster!
    Trip An honorable Demogamer, and the starter of the Civ III Demo-Game... as well as a major player in the Civ III PTW demogames and the ISDG... Trip embodies all things demogame. He also had some of the most popular Civ III scenarios; Civil War and Napoleoanic Wars.
    DinoDoc Conservative debater in the OT. High Profile Poster. Been around and contribuited for a long time.
    Paul CTP modder and designer as well as MPer. OCC God, he created many strategies for it. Paul is also the organizer of various football prediction leagues in the OT. A long staple of the community
    Zylka One of those loveable OT-spammers/debators/flamers. The OT always loves their entertainiment. and entertainment is important in keeping users interested in the forums. Therefore, he deserves his position here.
    He is also an old time Civ player who was a very active member of this site, and one of original Civ II MP players.
    Reismark Founder of the Hodadian Award Central, gifting awards to the best Civ-Sites on the Net and the best Civ II scenarios around! He also runs the Apolyton Fantasy Football Challenge and several other contests in the OT.
    oedo Discoverer of the "oedo years," the discovery "that the period of disorder in Civ 2 for revolutions follows a pattern, and by knowing this pattern, you know when to revolt to eliminate the period of anarchy" oedo is well known and respected in the Civ II-Strategy community for this discovery that taught those of us who "thought we knew civ" that there was more to it than we thought we knew.
    ixnay Participant in the Civ II Democracy Game, he’s a real whiz with photoshop and graphics. He is an Apolyton Staff member and happens to be the Rise of Nations content editor.
    Boris Godunov Friendly OT debater. Much loved.
    UnOrthOdOx For his work on the "Jungle Gazette" and other Democracy game publications... as well as his work on the democracy games themselves.
    DanS OT Poster and debater. Armchair Economist.
    notyoueither Civ III Democracy Gamer and consul in the Intersite Democracy Game. He is also involved in the Civ III multiplayer tourney ladder and can be seen in the Off-Topic as well as a multitude of other places on the Apolyton Civilization Site.
    JohnT Former Apolyton Librarian, starter and keeper of the Apolyton SciFi book reading club, volumnious OT contributor, and organizer of the 2006 Apolyton Convention!
    Scouse Gits Co-founder of the Great Library project for civ II, Civ II strategist, Civ II poster
    War4ever Civ II MP-Player and occasional OT Poster, and Civ II poster
    Dr. Nick Formerly known as El Awrence and Hodad, this Spanish Section Apolytoner was quite active in all of the Civ II sections and contributior to the Diplomacy games forum. He also frequented the OT in 2000 and provided fun in debates and other activities therein. He was also one of the founding members of the Spanish Civilization Forum. In recent years he has been most active in that section.
    Spiffor Civ3 player and all round nice OT Regular. Also French... and you know how hard it is to find a respectable Frenchman...
    Solo Solo has long been active in CivII strategy forum and is the author of the Early Landing Strategy Guide. In addition to that, he discovered 16 turn city cycles governing automatic changes in city commodity supply and demand lists, and discovered numerous techniques to manipulate city commodity supply and demand, along with other strategic contributions to the Civ II community.
    alexman Renowned for his excellent civ III contributions, Alexman is generally considered a strategic Guru due to his essential formulae and his tireless work in the Apolyton University including helping develop the Apolyton University Mod. He is also quite active in Civ III PBEM and created the CTP utility 'EasyMod'
    Samson Quality Great Library Contribuitor for Civ II and well-known civ II strategy researcher.
    Samson quickly became the premier researcher in the Civ II community and authored numerous definitive studies on almost every aspect of the game. In particular, the depth of insight he displayed by his "key civ" discovery and his unravelling of how commodity lists are determined was, to put it simply, just amazing. Having set numerous records in a wide range of single player games, he was considered by most to be the best player, too. -Writeup partially in thanks to solo.
    Kramsib His greatest works have been carried out in the Spanish Comunity. He is the "Father and Protector" of Progressive Games, an amazing tournament for civers to play without multiplayer mode.
    Here is an example of a Progressive Game: He also created a Graphics Mod and a Combat mod for Civ III and is working on developing game-model theories based on Civ III's Corruption and Value theories.
    Googlie A well-known co-author of the epic Spartan Chronicles for AC, AC-fiction in general, and expert AC Diplomacy gamer, Googlie helped set up the 12-game Forum Wars series of a couple of years ago between Apolyton, ACOL and Civgaming as well as a couple of dozen individual game challenges.
    His love affair with SMAC goes back to old OWO forums and the demo release days when a bunch of us hacked the HEX editor to squeeze more than the 100 turns from that old demo version.
    DarkCloud Deity of Lists and Civ3 Stories Editor, DarkCloud began the Hall of Fame in December 2000, and has run the Apolyton 100- a listing of over 100 apolytoners who have made the site what it is today, complete with biographical details such as location, place born, registration date, etc. He also runs the Apolyton: the Book website which contains anecdoes and histories about apolyton. He has been active in most diplomatic games at various times in their histories, but is best known for compiling the Civ IV list, posting AC-Fiction tales- running the Chiron Chronicle as GM for over a year, and running the Civ III stories section voting polls. He makes frequent appearances in Other Games, and in the Apolyton/Community section and loves Apolyton very dearly.
    Paddy the Scot A proud member of Apolyton Storywriters' Guild, a player of the great game Civilization, and a staunch supporter of the Community of Apolyton. Most days he can usually be found playing a Civ III PBEM or hanging out in one of various Civ III Demo Game Forums, either leading a team, providing strategic advice, or just having fun and participating along with all the other blokes.
    Ted Striker Frequent Off Topic poster. Former conservative American and Civ II player who used to contribuite to The Column and write news updates for the game- but now he is disillusioned with the USA and with Civ III, oh how do times change. Idolizes Robert F. Kennedy and is obsessed with the Miami Heat Dancers. "I'd hit it."
    Immortal Wombat Well known for his CTP2 mod development, Immortal Wombat was Apolyton?s first perpetual Prince (though having over 4500 posts, he still retains the title). He now posts mainly in the Off Topic forum.
    Master Zen A major Democracy Game player and Multiplayer for Civilization III, Master Zen seems to be everywhere- from the Spanish Forums to the Civ III, to everywhere in-between.

    Obituary Courtesy Apolyton's Civ2 Community
    La Fayette (Michel Baise) is known as an excellent Civ2 strategist and game play debater (author of the Three Arrows Strategy and the Twin Cities Strategy), a Civ2 mechanics researcher (a diplomat/spy expert), and as an enthusiastic scenario player. He perfected methods of spectacularly rapid victory in scenarios from impossibly weak starting positions. He was also a tireless participant in almost all single player contests and succession games from 1999 through 2005.

    La Fayette died of cancer in January 2006 at the age of 66, but we still feel his presence -- kind, witty, encouraging and uplifting, always quick to respond to questions with the best of helpful advice. He was always thoughtful, insightful, unfailingly polite, and true to his commitments. No one on this site more embodies the concept of "Civilization" than La Fayette: he is a true gentleman.

    Note from the Hall Administrator
    LaFayette, as noted above, was well respected by the Civilization community. He had already been popularly elected into the Hall when sad news of his demise reached the forums. As a sign of honor and respect, posting of the December elections results was delayed until a proper memorial could be contribuited. Now the time has passed when we can interact with LaFayette, however, the memory of him and his words on the forum can always be with us. In reading his articles for the Great Library and elsewhere around the site, let us remember this brilliant and friendly figure.

    Berzerker- Berzerker, known for being the resident Libertarian in the Off-Topic, brings colour and vibrancy to the forums in the political discussion threads. He is an active Civ II Multiplayer.
    Dr Strangelove- An actual Doctor, Dr Strangelove describes himself as the forum's leading medical expert. He can often be found in the Off-Topic forums, debating or dispensing medical advice.
    Harlan- Known across the forums for the scenarios he designed for Civ II. His 1996 Lord of the Rings Scenario for Civ II is to this day considered one of the greatest, but he is also known for Timur, The Forgotten War (detailing WWII in China), WWII: Pacific Theatre, WWII: European Theatre, The Mongols, and The Viking Age.

    Harlan created the European Map Maker, which greatly expedites the creation of maps in civ II mapediting programs. Also, Harlan co-authored the Advanced Scenario Design Guide with Leon Marrick.

    He is the recipient of the fourth ever-awarded Silver Fleece Medal, given in March 1999 by the Spanish Civilization Site, as well as a member of the CivFanatics Civ II Scenario Hall of Fame (Inducted in 1997), and recipient of several awards from the highly-respected Hodadian Award Center- including a designation as the Best Modpack Designer of 1999.

    Several of Harlan Thompson's scenarios were actually included in the ActiVision games CTP and CTP2.

    Posthumous Induction
    Obituary Courtesy Ming
    "Tazidude was a very active member of this site, and one of original Civ II MP players."

    "He fought a long battle with cancer and passed away in January of 2000. While suffering with his illness, he used Civ II MP as an escape and a distraction. Even with death looking him right in the face, he continued to post and play... He was a friend to many... a great competitor... and it was truly sad when he finally had to leave the community because the pain got to be too much."
    d. january 2000

    Scouse Gits(2)
    Posthumous Induction
    Obituary Courtesy La Fayette
    Scouse Gits(2), or Ivor Wason was primarily a Civ II MP gamer who succumbed to cancer in 2003. He was much loved and well-regarded in the Civ II community.

    "I would like to say a few words about what Ivor brought us, because he was not only a witty writer and a very strong strategist, but also one of those who gave most to the community, much more than the smiling daily 'robust constructive criticism' that all of us will remember:
    -Co-author of the most thorough study about starting techs (more than 5000 starts)
    -Co-creator of Apolyton's Great Library
    -'Very early lander', especially on big maps (samson and solo had almost specialized into small maps, when Ivor advised solo to have a look at some of his saves on bigger maps, and that was the starting point of solo's strategy guide)"
    d. september 2003
    Jasev- Classic Civ2 scenario designer, webmaster of several civ-related websites, poster in the Spanish section of Apolyton and a moderator.

    Theseus- Master of strategy in Civ III, and noted democracy gamer.

    DaveV- DaveV is another contributor to the Civ II Great Library- a place where strategies and suggestions for improving game play can be found. He is known as the "definitive master of civ II ICS", and is well respected for being a heady Civ II Strategic mind.

    Yaroslav- Yaroslav is a creator of the Civ2Diplomacy utility. (CivDip), and is a Scenario Designer. He is well known in Civ II and the Spanish communities.

    Darsnan: a devotee of Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri, Darsnan has generated many PBEMs and SP Challenges enjoyed by the SMAC(X) Apolyton Community. Darsnan is probably most noted for generating various new units and situations that make the AIs more challenging and enjoyable to play against.

    OzzyKP: an active CivII and Civ4 MPer best known for his work perfecting, leading, and organizing the growing Diplogame genre including a much expanded DiploFaq. Responsible for keeping the community together even in the dark times, and igniting a new Civ4 reinassance for Diplogames. Beta tester, 'PolyCon Attendee, Civ4-MP Mod, and all 'round swell guy. Also active in the Off Topic forum and known for his youth rights activism

    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


    • #3
      The Current Standings!


      1.) 246 Skanky Burns
      2.) 239 loinburger

      3.) 223 Aeson
      4.) 205 Kassiopeia
      5.) 197 Dominae
      6.) 185 WesW
      7.) 183 Bloody Monk
      8.) 179 Molly Bloom
      9.) 173 Buster
      10.) 172 hexagonian

      158 DrSpike
      145 Grandpa Troll
      139 (4) Mercator
      135 (4) Jamski
      130 Dis [Dissident]
      124 deity
      122 Blake
      119 Niessuh
      116 (4) Hydro
      113 fairline
      111 Techumseh
      109 MrFun

      98 Comrade Tassadar/Tacc
      94 Alinestra Covelia
      92 Sn00py
      92 PLATO
      86 Tiamat
      84 joncha
      80 Illuminatus
      80 curtsibling

      77 ChrisiusMaximus
      76 Beta
      75 vmxa1
      75 Arrian
      74 LordShiva

      65 Bongo
      64 cavebear
      63 Malevolent Light Eyes of Night) StarLightDeath)
      61 Alfonso
      59 snoopy369
      56 Chilean President
      54 korn469
      52 jm_ruiz

      48 Shi Huangdi
      48 Boann
      46 Martin Gühmann
      46 Ben Kenobi
      46 GePap
      45 Sava
      42 Mrs. Tuberski
      40 Gerar Dean
      40 Heresson

      39 Rasbelin
      39 Smacksim
      35 CivNation AKA DefensorFidei)
      35 Zeus_of_Olimpos
      35 Manolo
      31 rjmatsleepers
      30 Smiley

      28 Sprayber
      27 Nikolai
      24 Six Thousand Year Old Man
      21 Astrologix
      21 Maniac

      20 Carloquillo
      20 Dauphin
      20 E_T

      19 Peaster
      19 Zoid
      16 fromafar
      14 conmcb25
      13 Cybershy
      13 Harry Tuttle
      13 Snotty 9
      13 Frank Johnson
      13 Drake Tungsten
      12 Drogue
      11 Boco

      10 Platypus Rex
      10 AGRICOLA
      9 Magno_uy
      8 Toni
      8 Keygen
      8 Robocon
      8 VJ
      8 Elephant
      7 b etor
      6 LotM
      5 Tism
      5 Maquiladora
      5 FemMe
      5 Rob Worham
      5 Ned
      5 Oerdin
      5 Ricketyclik
      5 dale
      5 Guynemer
      5 Hatschy
      5 Rubin
      4 Sikander
      4 SlowwHand
      4 StrayBow
      4 BeBro
      4 Hercules
      3 PoopBall
      3 TheBirdMan
      3 Winston
      3 Cort haus
      2 GeoModder
      2 MWIA
      2 Asona

      Who has voted for whom
      DarkCloud voted for: Hydro (4), Mercator (4), Jamski (4)
      -->Visit CGN!
      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


      • #4
        Blake, LordShiva, and Grandpa Troll

        Could you please remove that bit about PoopBall having 3 points. He was permabanned before Perfection had voted for for him last time.
        The video may avatar is from


        • #5
          Grandpa Troll
          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


          • #6
            Just a little further...

            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #7
              Skanky Burns
              ~ If Tehben spits eggs at you, jump on them and throw them back. ~ Eventis ~ Eventis Dungeons & Dragons 6th Age Campaign: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4: (Unspeakable) Horror on the Hill ~


              • #8


                • #9
                  I get to vote now!

                  - What's that?
                  - It's a cannon fuse.
                  - What's it for?
                  - It's for my cannon.


                  • #10
                    Speaking of which - DC, you should give Soren an honorary induction. He is, after all, a forum poster. Considering how Trip and Alexman got their places in the HoF...
                    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                    • #11
                      Grandpa Troll


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Soren Johnson
                        I get to vote now!

                        When could you not?

                        Let's see...


                        Creative, I know. I'm still surprised Aeson isn't in though.


                        • #13
                          Blame DC's silly vote purging rules. That's why him and WesW aren't in yet, and I've been voting for both guys for 4 years or close to that now I believe.
                          Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                          Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                          I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                          • #14
                            Let your every day be full of joy, love the child that holds your hand, let your wife delight in your embrace, for these alone are the concerns of humanity.
                            The BtS Pitboss Team Democracy Game has just started!!!
                            Come and test your metal in the Apolyton Civ4 Beyond the Sword Tri-League Tournament
                            Tohunga o kairākau of Southern Cross in the Warlords Pitboss Team Democracy Game, and Member of the Great Council and Curator of The Khan's Compendium for The Horde in the Civ4 Team Democracy Game


                            • #15


                              Chrisius Maximus
                              The Sherrin Foundation in the C4DG SP

