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Invisible units?!

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  • Invisible units?!'s my Civ4 question: how come I sometimes can't see units in an opponent city, even when I'm right next to the city with a unit of my own?

    Specific example - I had an open borders agreement with a neighboring Civ. My scout wandered around the map near each city within my opponent's borders and was able to 'see' the number and type of military units present in each city. I declared war and took 2-3 cities right off the bat with my superior forces. After a few turns, I approached another major city (size 13, lots of wonders), and when my Swordsman was adjacent to the city, I saw no info about enemy units, just the city name. The city appeared completely empty of defense. I directed my Swordsman to take the city, and as he entered the city square, a Maceman "popped up" to defend. After I lost this initial battle, I still couldn't "see" inside the city - even when next door - to get an idea of the type of units present. I eneded up retreating from that battle because I wasn't sure how much fortified defense was present.

    This happened to me in at least one other game since, but I haven't been able to put my finger on what combination of civics/religion/wonders/techs is causing me to experience this disadvantage. At first I thought it was just a matter of not being able to "see" into cities without an open borders agreement, but I tried this in Worldbuilder and didn't have the problem. There I could cancel an open borders treaty, declare war, then "see" the number and type of units in the city as I approached but before I actually had to attack.

    Any ideas here?! Thanks!

  • #2
    Hmmm... sounds like a bug to me. I've never run into that problem. Granted, when the city is far enough away from your unit that it is in the Fog of War, you can't see in... but if you are right next to the city, you should ALWAYS be able to see the units in it.

    And that's why in MP games, many people keep a stack of units right behind the city. So if a unit is a close, or if you have the shrine and can see into the city, you don't know what is truly there.

    But I must say, I've never seen the situation you mentioned.
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3
      Well, they could have the Urban Camo-promotion...
      I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


      • #4 good having the 'new' problem...

        ...same issue now in another mp game....Caravel right next to coastal opponent info about units inside.


        • #5
          There's a spy in the city and on the caravel.

