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Civ4- Linux : Warlords?

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  • Civ4- Linux : Warlords?

    Hey all,

    I have civ4 working quite well (haven't tested everything, but single player works perfectly) on KUbuntu Fiesty fawn with Cedega 6.0 and I have had thoughts of trying out Warlords. Has anyone tried Warlords on Wine or Cedega?

    If Bush bought America, why shouldn't he sell Iraq?

  • #2
    yeah works like a dream. I think the order in which i installed was as follows:

    1. install civ 4. use the civ 4 settings from the games database.
    2. install warlords and let it auto update civ 4 to v1.61
    - warlords then installs. use civ 4 settings again.
    (i don't use xfire or any other peripheral program from the disk.)
    3. download the warlords patch and install using civ 4 settings.

    i use ubuntu 6.10.
    i have the game in full screen and use alt-tab or ctrl-alt-left arrow to get to the desktop.

    Hmm there's probably more things i've done to smooth the running but i can't remember right now.

    oh yeah, you don't need directx - cedega takes care of all that for you.

    only issue i have is occasional crashes which i resolve by stopping the application with cedega then restarting it.
    there are a few graphical issues but this could be nvidia related - not sure.

    in any case, installing the patch (2.08 i think) resolves a lot of stuff to make it play, as i said, like a dream!



    • #3
      What version of Cedega is that with?
      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


      • #4
        More details

        So, in case anyone is interested, with more testing, still everything works in vanilla 1.62 except:
        1) Ctrl and Alt key combinations. This is a known issue and cedega is working on this.
        2) I have not tried this, but apparently some have had difficulty with MODs. There is apparently a workaround, and I can find it if anyone is interested.

        petermarkab, thanks for the info. Warlords sounds like it behaves like another patch, so I'll give it a whirl if my wife lets me buy it

        If Bush bought America, why shouldn't he sell Iraq?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Solver
          What version of Cedega is that with?
          Version 6.0

          yeah the Ctrl keys don't work but the alt ones do.
          I've tried a few mods - barbarians works as does chinese unification, but there are reports of others (3rd party) breaking the emulation.



          • #6
            Hmm, I managed to get Vanilla Civ 4 working (1.61). But when I try to install Warlords it says it's something wrong with my Civ 4 install and I should re-install it... But it plays alright. Wtf??

            Oh, and I use the latest Cedega (6.1) and Ubuntu Feisty.
            I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


            • #7
              hi Zoid,

              did you install the civ 4 patch prior to installing warlords? My experience is that this fails. I got a successful install through updating using the Warlords install. See the order in my first post.

              how is the game with cedega 6.1? are the ctrl keys and graphical issues resolved?



              • #8
                1.61 installed alright, maybe this is the problem? And I haven't tried it that much. I'll load my latest pbem save (large late medieval era highlands map), this should tell me if there's any graphics problems...
                I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                • #9
                  yeah, if i were you i'd uninstall completely, clean install civ 4 then go straight to install warlords. Then install patch 2.08.

                  at each stage test that the game works.

                  the graphics problems i've experienced can happen on small maps. I don't think its a large map problem. what happens is that the bottom right corner (where the unit data is) gets corrupted with flashing images. When i conduct diplomacy, the leaderhead appears frozen but a second animated leaderhead appears in the same bottom right hand corner. And sometimes when i load a save game, the bottom right hand corner shows me a glimpse of the entire map, which is a bonus i suppose!



                  • #10
                    Hehe, weird cheat bug

                    But IIRC last time I tried to install Warlords without the 1.61 patch it said the same. But I'll try again.
                    I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                    • #11
                      There could be an inconsistency with me using Edgy and you using Feisty, and similar with cedega 6.0 and 6.1.



                      • #12
                        Could be. We'll see.
                        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                        • #13
                          Hmm, something in Cedega 6.1 or Feisty obviously broke Warlords. I can't get the game to install...

                          Oh well, at least Vanilla works
                          I love being beaten by women - Lorizael

