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Trade Routes

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  • Trade Routes

    I have posted in the creation forum a text file with instructions for adding information about trade routes to the civipedia by modifying the XML files.

    For anyone who doesn't want to mess with their XML files, here is the added text. Please let me know if you spot any mistakes or can suggest improvements.


    Trade routes are established between cities automatically and provide you with additional commerce. You can only have one trade route to each foreign city, but you may have more than one route from one of your own cities. Trade routes are lost if there is no city available to trade with. Trade routes between your own cities need connection to the trade network. Trade routes to foreign cities require an open borders agreement in addition to connection to the trade network.

    The number of trade routes
    Each city begins with a maximum of one route. The maximum number of trade routes per city can be increased by discovering new technologies, completing wonders or buildings or adopting civics.
    Discovering Currency increases the number of trade routes in all your cities by 1.
    Discovering Corporation increases the number of trade routes in all your cities by 1.
    Building a castle increases the number of trade routes in that city by 1.
    Building an Airport increases the number of trade routes in that city by 1.
    Building a Cothon (Carthegenian special building) increases the number of trade routes in that city by 1.
    Adopting Free Markets increases the number of trade routes in all your cities by 1.
    Passing the United Nations single currency resolution increases the number of trade routes in all cities in the world by 1.
    Building the Great Lighthouse increases the number of trade routes by 2, but only in your coastal cities.

    The size of trade routes
    The size of a trade route depends on three factors.
    Whether the route is from a foreign city.
    The size of your destination city.
    The size and location of the source city.

    The route producing the greatest commerce will be from a high population foreign city located a long way away. If your destination city has a harbour (or in the case of Carthage, a Cothon) , the size of the route will be increased by 50%, but this is rounded down, so a route of size 1 remains size 1. Building the Temple of Artemis increases the value of trade routes in that city by 100%. If you are using the civic Mercantilism, you will only have trade routes to your own cities. Similarly you cannot have trade routes to an AI that is using Mercantilism.

    Allocation of routes
    All available foreign routes are listed by size. All destination cities are listed by size modified by possesion of a harbour. Routes are allocated in turn from the first list to the second. If there are no available foreign routes, allocation is completed using domestic routes. This means that when you gain additional trade routes, the distribution of these routes will change. Similarly the distribution of routes will change if you build a harbour.

    [Edit] V2 revised to include Castles, Cothons and Temple of Artemis. [/Edit]
    Last edited by rjmatsleepers; May 26, 2007, 03:52.
    Fill me with the old familiar juice

  • #2
    You can also get another trade route by building a castle, which is canceled when you discover economics, but then you can adopt free markets.

    Does the harbour work like that in both respects? I thought it was just the second method under "Allocation of routes" and it didn't affect (directly anyway) the amount of money received from the route?


    • #3
      Originally posted by MattDoyle
      You can also get another trade route by building a castle, which is canceled when you discover economics, but then you can adopt free markets.

      Does the harbour work like that in both respects? I thought it was just the second method under "Allocation of routes" and it didn't affect (directly anyway) the amount of money received from the route?
      Thanks for the correction on castles. AFAIK, harbours work as described, but I'm open to alternative views.

      Fill me with the old familiar juice


      • #4
        You do not explicitly mention the Temple of Artemis and what its + 100% actually means to your trade route income in that city. I believe it also affects the values that other cities may get from a trade route with the city with the Temple of Artemis.

        So, please mention the Temple of Artemis. (Us Goddess types have to watch out for each other.)
        If you aren't confused,
        You don't understand.


        • #5
          Harbors work as described but the reallocation effect is often stronger than the "+50%", since the +50% gets strongly diminished by other trade modifiers.


          • #6
            Originally posted by eris
            You do not explicitly mention the Temple of Artemis and what its + 100% actually means to your trade route income in that city. I believe it also affects the values that other cities may get from a trade route with the city with the Temple of Artemis.

            So, please mention the Temple of Artemis. (Us Goddess types have to watch out for each other.)
            Good catch - thanks. Can anyone confirm the effect on the other end of a trade route?

            Fill me with the old familiar juice


            • #7
              And Carthaginian Cothons....


              • #8
                Originally posted by couerdelion
                And Carthaginian Cothons....
                Another good catch - ta.

                Fill me with the old familiar juice


                • #9
                  If your destination city has a harbour (or in the case of Carthage, a Cothon) , the size of the route will be increased by 50%
                  Is this really true? And if so, is it true for Warlords only?

                  Btw, with "destination city" you mean the foreign or local city which the current city has trade with?
                  -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                  -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by binTravkin

                    Is this really true? And if so, is it true for Warlords only?

                    Btw, with "destination city" you mean the foreign or local city which the current city has trade with?
                    The "destination city" is your city - ie the one that is getting the additional commerce from the trade route. I don't believe there is any benefit in a harbour at the other end of the trade route.

                    AFAIK it is true that a harbour increases the additional commerce by 50%, and this is true in vanilla as well as warlords. However, remember the distribution of trade routes will change as you build a harbour and there will be some rounding.

                    Fill me with the old familiar juice

