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Crazy Win

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  • #31
    Originally posted by MattDoyle
    Bit of thread necromancy here, but something similar happened to me on the weekend and I remembered this thread.

    Playing one of my standard games, standard size continents, 8 civs, random starting civ. I can't remember who it was i got exactly, but it was a civ with hunting. About 15 turns in, a barb warrior marches into my capital and takes me out.

    Seems one of my opponents poped a hut and set some barbs loose on me.
    My current game I got an early message saying that the Indian civ was conquered. Was a bit of a surprise.

    More surprising was when I got caravels and went over there, to find the Indian capital was barbarian and had the Buddhist shrine.

    Was actually kind of nice because that kept all religion from spreading to the other 3 civs on that continent. I converted Napoleon to one of my religions, and Caesar and Lizzy to the other of my religions. (Wouldn't want to make all 3 of them the same religion, now, would I?)



    • #32
      I had one in the last game I played. I was the Incans on the far western end of a Pangea, trying to figure out how to muscle my way past Napolean, who not only had me blocked in, but had the nearest Horses, too. At some early point in the game I notice that the score for Wang Kon was 0!. There had been no DOW's, but Wang Kon was gone! Much later, I found not one, but two cities with Korean names, but belonging to Ramses. Hmmm. I did not go into World Builder because I have blocked the key stroke out of my mind. But I did watch the replay carefully. Wang Kon lost both cities to Barbarians, which then lost them years later to Ramses, who then lost them to me.

      If it had happened to me, I would have restarted out of frustration when the Barbarians approached my capitol. Poor Wang Kon never got that choice.
      If you aren't confused,
      You don't understand.


      • #33
        Originally posted by eris
        I had one in the last game I played. I was the Incans on the far western end of a Pangea, trying to figure out how to muscle my way past Napolean, who not only had me blocked in, but had the nearest Horses, too. At some early point in the game I notice that the score for Wang Kon was 0!. There had been no DOW's, but Wang Kon was gone! Much later, I found not one, but two cities with Korean names, but belonging to Ramses. Hmmm. I did not go into World Builder because I have blocked the key stroke out of my mind. But I did watch the replay carefully. Wang Kon lost both cities to Barbarians, which then lost them years later to Ramses, who then lost them to me.

        If it had happened to me, I would have restarted out of frustration when the Barbarians approached my capitol. Poor Wang Kon never got that choice.
        One of the options I like to play for games occasionally often ends up having this happen to atleast one civ on the map. Usually I can play a huge game divided up into 4 continents or so with 6 civs. It's virtually a guarantee that one civ will die, sometimes two and certain civs are more likely to die to it than others. Isabella, Asoka, Ghandi, and a couple other peaceful civs tend to always die. Oddly enough though, there's some builder civs which always tend to survive it such as Elizabeth.

