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Does this make AI fair?

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  • Does this make AI fair?

    I know a lot of people on these boards are into micromanaging tiles, making GP farms, going ape with tech rates, etc . Doesn't this kinda ruin the AI/Player balance? Sure, you're playing a better strategic game, but we all know the AI

    A) automates its workers
    B) sticks to using the general "emphasize X" presets in the city screens
    C) does not do tech slingshots
    D) places cities where the blue circle says to

    If you want to make it a fair game, why micromanage? A LOT of what leads to Civ4 being so hard on the AI is this crap. Seems to me, to be fair in single player, you shouldn't do any of this [at least on noble and below]

  • #2
    I try to stick to your 'B', and I don't do tech slingshots (C). But I NEVER automate my workers (I've tried it and almost puked, whether Civ3 or 4), and have rarely paid attention to 'D'. In fact, I often turn the city placement advisors off.

    Better AI or Hephmod.


    • #3
      I don't understand what's all that special about slingshots.


      • #4
        What's Hephmod like? I've only recently downloaded and started playing a mod (Fall from Heaven II) for the first time and I love it! It changes the game much more than I expected and in many ways (though not all) is better than the unmodded CIV.

        For anyone who hasn't tried mods I'd recommend giving them a try.


        • #5
          i HATE micromanaging...
          makes the game damn-near unplayable IMHO...
          i automate EVERYTHING now...
          i even build what my advisors tell me to...
          i just want to crush people with my military now...
          The Wizard of AAHZ


          • #6
            Re: Does this make AI fair?

            Originally posted by Wiglaf
            D) places cities where the blue circle says to
            The AI doesn't always do this... at least not the barbarians. In my last game I destroyed two barbarian cities placed in the same spot. When I later decided to finally build a city there I see that blue circle is just below where they placed the cities...
            This space is empty... or is it?


            • #7
              The human player can actually think. How unfair is that to the poor AIs?
              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


              • #8
                The game will never be completely "fair". Computer AI is very good at some things (including micromanagement; it will never forget to chop out a granary on the first turn possible because it's too involved in other aspects of the game), and terrible at other things (strategic thinking).

                The AI is given some advantages at higher difficulty levels; the human player needs to use his advantages to offset the AI handicaps. Each player is able to play the game at the level and in the style that's most fun for him. If you don't like micromanagement, I think Civ4 is the best civ game yet for minimal micromanagement (especially with the Better AI mod). The AI isn't going to complain if you spend twenty minutes per turn moving your workers around, but it isn't going to cut you any breaks if you automate everyting, either.

                I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't worry about being "fair" to the AI. I'm playing the game for fun, and play it in a way that maximizes my fun. You are welcome to play it in the way that maximizes your fun (which may be completely different from my play style), and that won't affect my fun.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Wiglaf
                  If you want to make it a fair game, why micromanage? A LOT of what leads to Civ4 being so hard on the AI is this crap. Seems to me, to be fair in single player, you shouldn't do any of this [at least on noble and below]
                  I think this is such a silly argument. Why not just have an auto-pilot setting so you can just sit back and watch while your civ does it's own thing? That would really make it fair since it would be just AI against AI.


                  • #10
                    I think my solution makes it more fair. Not completely fair, obviously. Still better than the way it is now, with humans taking advantage of tons of exploits the AI doesn't even know exist.


                    • #11
                      It depends on the kind of game you are after: Do you want a relatively tense game but not micro? Then stay on Prince. Are you a micro freak and want an equal challenge? Up the difficulty level. Sure, thinking better than the AI vs. micro-ing better than the AI are different things, but in the micro department, the difficulty levels let you get away with whatever level of micro you want while still having a challenge.
                      I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                      "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ColdPhoenix
                        What's Hephmod like?
                        It's based on Dearmad's New Balance Mod, and it's thread (and download) is here

                        The civics are nicely expanded upon, with advantages & disadvantages for all. The units are modified and their relationships elegantly enhanced (IMO). Barbarians will occasionally get inspired and become civs for crying out loud! And, for reasons I couldn't comprehend, any civ may have internal strife, rebellion, and split into multiple civs -- including the player's! Fortunately, the ini file allows configuration & disabling of rebellion (I ended up turning it off).

                        An attempt to integrate it with Better AI was attempted but with bad results (CTD). Current development seems to be in hiatus (as with most mods). Must have something to do with this new thing coming our way in July called BtS.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by yin26
                          It depends on the kind of game you are after: Do you want a relatively tense game but not micro? Then stay on Prince. Are you a micro freak and want an equal challenge? Up the difficulty level. Sure, thinking better than the AI vs. micro-ing better than the AI are different things, but in the micro department, the difficulty levels let you get away with whatever level of micro you want while still having a challenge.
                          End of thread.
                          “...This means GCA won 7 battles against our units, had Horsemen retreat from 2 battles against NMs, and lost 0 battles.” --Jon Shafer 1st ISDG


                          • #14
                            Re: Does this make AI fair?

                            Originally posted by Wiglaf
                            I know a lot of people on these boards are into micromanaging tiles, making GP farms, going ape with tech rates, etc . Doesn't this kinda ruin the AI/Player balance? Sure, you're playing a better strategic game, but we all know the AI

                            A) automates its workers
                            B) sticks to using the general "emphasize X" presets in the city screens
                            C) does not do tech slingshots
                            D) places cities where the blue circle says to

                            If you want to make it a fair game, why micromanage? A LOT of what leads to Civ4 being so hard on the AI is this crap. Seems to me, to be fair in single player, you shouldn't do any of this [at least on noble and below]
                            I hope this is a troll because if not it is quite possibly in the top 10 retarded arguments made in this forum. And it has some stiff competition.


                            • #15
                              if I did things like the ai did, I would be no better than they are? I wouldn't win noble games that way.

