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Oh those tricky Spanish...

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  • Oh those tricky Spanish...

    Kindly Indulge me in my little tale, there is a question at the end of it all (and the impatient can skip ahead)

    Alright. My current game on Noble, perhaps my last game on Noble.

    I'm in the lead, far enough ahead to be fairly sure that I'm going to win, but not far enough ahead to be totally comfortable.

    It's between me and Isabella - I've been picking off the smaller Civs while keeping the #3 Civ, the Romans, happy (Caesar goes to the same temple as me ). But fear not, Isabella has been getting the attention she deserves. I've been extorting a few hundred coins from her every 20 turns or so, and generally making an effort to thwart her in her wicked doings.

    For example: There's a little 5-square island about 20 tiles east of my mainland, and 15 tiles further east is Isabella's nearest colony. It's an undistinguished little rock, except for having some uranium on it. The rest of the island is desert save for one grass tile. And several turns ago, I dropped a little city on it, with the intention of keeping the evil little creep away from the uranium. I don't think she can be trusted with it.

    So, fine already. This little city is a drain on my finances, but it keeps the uranium in responsible hands. And moreover, it serves as a sort of early warning system against Spanish tomfoolery. I parked a Frigate - one of my older vessels, I have a few Ironclads and Destroyers in commission - nearby to provide some additional scouting capability.

    Well, sure enough, a few turns after I founded the city, a Spanish nautical stack appeared a few tiles away from my outpost. I clicked on it, and the unit list scrolled off the screen - 4 Frigates, at least 5 Galleons and a bunch of Riflemen, Cannons, and Cavalry. I've got Infantry, Redcoats, Cavalry and Artillery, so I'm not worried about losing the game right here. But still, that stack could cause some mayhem on my home island.

    I debated on whether I should declare war, but my scouting Frigate couldn't do much anyway. So, I withdrew it and brought up 2 Destroyers from my home waters. I figured that if worst came to worst, the Destroyers could each take out a Frigate, two turns running, and then my remaining ships (2 Frigates, an Ironclad and some Transports) would make short work of the rest of the Spanish Fleet.

    Not at all surprisingly, Isabella declared war on me the next turn - and landed her entire force on my little 5-tile uranium outpost. The battle against my 2 defenders there was a foregone conclusion, of course, but while the Spanish army was busy razing my outpost, my 2 Destroyers and 2 Frigates sank all 4 Spanish Frigates and 5 of the Galleons (which might have been all of them).

    So, to this point, I've lost a marginally useful city and 2 units, but have sunk 9 ships (and caused some mayhem elsewhere ). Moreover... the Spanish army is stranded! I parked both Destroyers on either side of the island to keep an eye on the now-impotent, 15-unit stack.

    Pretty clever, huh... well... 3 turns later, the stack VANISHED. All of it. With no sign of any vessels coming by to pick it up - and I think I would have noticed 5 Galleons coming by.

    So my question is, what happened to that stack? I can't imagine that Isabella disbanded it. Was there some kind of cheat involved? Any guesses? Has anyone seen anything similar happen?
    "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

    "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
    "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)

  • #2
    Stretch your imagination, old man -- she disbanded them! Even more improbable would be her sneaking galleons through your screen to pick them up.

    I've seen it happen with smaller numbers of troops.

    Standard AI or Better AI? When are you going to get Warlords -- going to wait for BtS?

    Nicely written, BTW.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jaybe
      Stretch your imagination, old man -- she disbanded them! Even more improbable would be her sneaking galleons through your screen to pick them up.
      I'm 99% sure that there was no rescue force of Galleons. But why on earth would an AI disband a force that size? The maintenance costs couldn't have been THAT bad.

      I've seen it happen with smaller numbers of troops.

      Standard AI or Better AI? When are you going to get Warlords -- going to wait for BtS?

      Nicely written, BTW.
      Standard AI (that may be the answer right there), waiting for BtS. And thanks.
      "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

      "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
      "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jaybe
        she disbanded them!

        Nicely written, BTW.

        Seen it happen myself - not very often though - did she have any ships appear later?
        I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


        • #5
          As a side note, I always promote warships (other than battleships & carriers) first with Flanking I and Sentry for the extended vision.

          Transports with Flanking I and Navigation I (which I then rename "FAST", for Fast ASsult Transport) ,
          Carriers with Combat I and Medic I.

          With Warlords, you would not have seen the contents of the galleons.
          Noble, Marathon, Huge/Fractal or Terra


          • #6
            The ground forces involved in that invasion probably had a particular goal -- take/destroy that city. After the goal was accomplished there was nothing left for them to do -- nothing to attack, nothing to defend. Having no more purpose in life (and miniscule chance of a trip elsewhere), they disbanded

            ... and are probably subsisting on that grassland tile.


            • #7
              That’s a thought. By disbanding a unit you are not actually killing them; merely releasing them from military service. I would therefore expect those same Spanish troops to settle on the island and set up their own semi-independent state there. No doubt, over time, many of the weapons would become obsolete with few resources available for repairs.

              But they would at least have made a go of it even if they do quickly degrade into an elite barbarian force


              • #8
                I'm not sure, but I've never even seen the AI load units on a ship when not in a city. So yeah, disbanded is my vote.


                • #9
                  I have to admit, that's one thing I'm surprised hasn't been addressed in any of the civ games yet. I have never seen AI units loaded onto ships without being in a city. It gives me a distinct advantage sometimes to move units (especially settlers) through an AI's territory before loading onto ships which had to go around (and already unloaded their first units). It's also useful when evacuating units (after a failed amphibious assault). Yet the AI never does it. I've seen two settlers from different AIs land on a small island, one builds, and the other units sit there for hundreds of years while the ship sails off - when it could load them back on and take them anywhere else - including another small isle near (and just like) the first.

