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  • Specialists

    OK, I recently bought civ4 and have been playing a few noble level games. I find I can get ahead and stay there fairly effectively, depending on which leader/civ I am running and a little luck at the start.

    But one thing I do not really have the hang of is specialists. I usually find I am working all available tiles until I get to 20 pop, unless the city automation changes it. Is there a particular strategy to using specialists that I should be trying ? I am guessing that specialised cities need specialists to enhance their specialisation.

    I have not been able to find a thread about this so if anyone could direct me or give me their views here, that would be great


  • #2
    When you get a library, invest one (or two if you can) scientist specialists to increase your science -- just one may take a turn or two out of early research. Same with markets -- one specialist may prevent your funds from running out. Particularly in high-food cities.

    Sacrificing some growth (ESPECIALLY when growth will only lead to unhappiness!) can make all the difference in research, income, & getting those valuable great-specialists.

    Blake has written some great guides to specialist & pop-rushing. Done many months ago, usually in individual posts (in threads I know longer remember).


    • #3
      After ensuring local security, you want to start thinking about generating some GPs early. Early Prophets or Great Scientists are worth the reduced food/production that you need to give up to generate them


      • #4
        A city with lots of food resources to work (fish, pigs etc) is often a good city to run specialists in. As said above, you don't want it growing too fast and people getting unhappy.

