Indeed the culture is not to be entirely neglected.
Building an Academy in a critically placed jungle city can be worthwhile, in the short term jungle cities have abysmal commerce, in the longer run they will have godly commerce thanks to plantation resources and cottage spam. Meanwhile the jungle city has poor production, making it difficult to get in culture buildings. +4 Culture is basically enough to culturally overpower or break even with anything in the early game - even creative + cheap library is only +4 culture. This means the Academy will tend to culturally secure it's city (especially if built early enough to later double to +8).
The vast majority of the time it's probably NOT worthwhile building an academy for the culture but it's fun finding cases where it is.
Building an Academy in a critically placed jungle city can be worthwhile, in the short term jungle cities have abysmal commerce, in the longer run they will have godly commerce thanks to plantation resources and cottage spam. Meanwhile the jungle city has poor production, making it difficult to get in culture buildings. +4 Culture is basically enough to culturally overpower or break even with anything in the early game - even creative + cheap library is only +4 culture. This means the Academy will tend to culturally secure it's city (especially if built early enough to later double to +8).
The vast majority of the time it's probably NOT worthwhile building an academy for the culture but it's fun finding cases where it is.