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now I see what they mean.

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  • now I see what they mean.

    Ok I'm a little peeved. I just quit a game where I started a war with Monty, holy cow! The things he attacked me with were 3-4 artilary 5-6 infantry and like 10 calvary, I attcked with the a fair amount, about 5 or 6 transports full of Marines, Tanks and 3 Artilary. I got beat bad! and he still had troops to spair! The AI produce so many troops it seems like they're cheeting if they have 1 building .

    Is there a patch for this? I've seen posts like this before so I doubt there is. If not then I'm just ranting.

  • #2
    He had inf and cav while you had marines and tanks and you LOST?

    I have heard that on higher difficultys the AI gets an actual battle advantage, what difficulty was it on?

    Also, you metioned transports. Were your units fighting right off the boats? Unless they have the amphibous trait they get penalized. Your marines would have that trait, but the tanks and arty wouldn't.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Pinchak
      I have heard that on higher difficultys the AI gets an actual battle advantage, what difficulty was it on?
      That is completely false.


      • #4
        Cyrus: you should have a lot more artillery. Unless you're on a higher level (Prince+), the AI isn't cheating. Since the last patch included Blake's improved AI, the AI's been much better at managing its economy. That's why it's doing so well.


        • #5
          to awnser Pinchaks question, I was on Warlord and I was "Defending" on land. to add Monty was the worst in points, and had no oil (thank you spies)


          • #6
            Do you even need spies to tell you that? I was under the impression you could discover his resources by going to the diplomacy screen/foreign advisor.


            • #7
              Really, if the AI has Infantry and Cavalry vs. your Marines and Tanks, you should wipe the floor with him
              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


              • #8
                Do you even need spies to tell you that? I was under the impression you could discover his resources by going to the diplomacy screen/foreign advisor.
                You can use spies to destroy improvements such as oil wells.

                Cyrus The Mike:
                Marines, Tanks and 3 Artilary
                I was "Defending" on land.
                What proportion of your units were marines? Artillery and tanks don't recieve defensive bonuses.
                LandMasses Version 3 Now Available since 18/05/2008.


                • #9
                  Ihad just got on land and they were about even.


                  • #10
                    Only other thing i can think of (regarding the battle, not the production) is that since you were defending his arty hit all your units and effectively brought them down to size so to speak, then he attacked with the other units before you could return the favor with your arty.

                    Units that cause spillover damage only do so when attacking.


                    • #11
                      If you're on land and you have marines, that's part of your problem Keep the marines on the boat. Bring more artillery. The AI has some major weaknesses; find them and exploit them

                      I can't say enough though, build lots of siege weapons...
                      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.

