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loading error

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  • loading error

    After months of use with no problems, I have received a loading error message. I have both Civ IV and Warlords loaded and receive the message when loading both. have reloaded both (twice) and performed registry repairs (2 programs). All to no avail. Programs start to load, stop and leave this popup message:
    "Loading Error
    Caught unhandled exception creating XML parser object
    Current XML file:" (blank)

    No problem with CIV 3.

    I guess my main question:
    Is it the software or the computer?

  • #2
    Hmm. That sounds to me like an MSXML parser problem perhaps?

    I haven't dealt with fixing one of those in ages so I'm not sure I remember what the correct version is. This seems to be the newest version of MSXML (6.1) but that's certainly far newer than Civ4 requires (I think it expects 3.0) so perhaps that's too far advanced. I'd give that a shot first though, and roll it back if you need to.

    Edit: A quick search confirms that this is an MSXML issue. Either MSXML somehow got uninstalled, or perhaps more likely something went wrong with it due to some other program (like Windows Update ) messing with it.

    Try 6.1 (above), and if that doesn't fix it (and perhaps 6.1 is causing this, though i'd expect to see other problems then), try 3.0 ( ) which is the version from back when Civ4 was new.
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