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New To Civ need tips

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  • New To Civ need tips

    I bought my Civ yesterday and spent 10h playing it but one thing for me is pretty difficult and thats to keep the citizens happy and healty

    When i am about 10-12 (the number at the town) they usally get both angry and unhealty i have tried to build more farms for food because they starv but that doesnt help with the angry face

    Any tips on how to make them happy and healty?

    And one thing more!
    When i wana register for play online inside the game after filling out the form and press create noting happens :/

    And when i click login and fill in some rubbish i dont get a error msg about wrong username/password why does the online doesnt work?

    Best Regards

  • #2
    well, you need luxury resources, things like gold, bananas, silver, dye etc. that will get them happy.

    Or slave them all until the population is low again.

    I don't know about your MP problems
    First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
    Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


    • #3
      Everything i see on my City Map is bread and gold and hammers ^^


      • #4
        resources work differently, the tiles with extra pictures on them are resources
        First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
        Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


        • #5
          Oh hehe ^^ thx


          • #6
            To fight unhappy faces / sick faces you can:
            1. harvest resources, like cows, wheat, fish, etc. You can do that with worker units (or working boats). Ie. to harvest wheat, you need to build a farm on the wheat resource, move a worker on top of it, and build a farm. (only possible if you have the technology of agriculture). To get cows you must build a pasture on the cow resource (you need the tech animal hubandry to do that). The resource should also be connected to your city by a road or a river.

            If you open the city screen (double click on the city) you'll see in the right top window all resources that city collects. (and thus the # of healthy faces it collects)

            It works the same for happy faces, harvest happy resources, like wine (build a winery (available with Monarchy) or gold (build a mine, available with mining), etc.

            2. You can trade resources with other civs. Ie. if you have 2 gold and your neighbours have 2 cows, you can ie. trade gold for cow.

            3. Build city improvements (buildings) in a city that improve health / happyness. ie. a granary gives +1 health, a harbor gives +1 health for fish, clam and crab, an aquaduct gives +2 health.
            A temple gives +1 happyness, etc. (you need to research the right techs to build the right buildings) (hover with your mouse over the possible buildings to see what they do)

            4. Get a religion in your city! If you have the state religion of ie. hinduism, and your city is a hindu city as well, then you automaticly get a +1 happy face. For every religion in your city you can also build a temple (+1 happy face)

            About multiplayer, you have registered your name and password, right? Was the name/password approved? If so, you still can't login using that name/password?
            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


            • #7
              Okey thx for the tips =)

              I cant register either nothing happens :/ no error or success message.

              It's the same when i try to login no error/success msg

