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Identity Crisis - I need help

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  • Identity Crisis - I need help

    OK, so heres the situation:

    Its about late 1700s AD, and I'm one of the most advance civs in the game. (early Modern area) I'm at 100% science but yet am still making a profit of 141 gold. I have 2 religions, one has about 35% world wide worship and the other one about 5%. I'm close to finishing the Apollo Project, and I'm just about to finish research Radio. I also have about 7 fighters (I love planes in this game ). I'm Washington, and have 7 cities. My civics are Universal Suffrage, Free Speech, Emancipation, and Organized Religion.

    Theres 3 civs that have vassals. Rest of the civs are vassals. Ragnar has the most, with 4 (!). I'm the only one that isn't a master or vassal, so it makes for some fun Cold war gameplay. 14 civs started the game, but 2 are gone (Rome and Egypt). I had Rome for a vassal for about 5 turns (wanted to get West Point), when Ragnar came in and crushed poor Julius.

    Recently, my 2 friends Huayna Capac and Brennus have gone to war. Capac follow my religion, but I'd declared war on one my followers, Monty, about 3 times. (Thats what you get for rushing me early, jerk). Brennus and I have the same civics, but he's a heretic. But I got enough of my Religion in his civ so that I may be able to convert him to the true faith. The only reason there at war is because Capac has a vassal (Wang Kon) on the big contention, who Brennus really hates. So, like WWI, they end up at war, and I'm have to choose who is my best friend.

    Also, I'd like to goto Free Religion once I research Computers (I have the U of Sankore wonder, and I have a nice view of both Viking and Celts lands), but I know that if I do, both Capac and Brennus will hate me (guess whose war vs Cyrus and Monty was a bad thing).

    So, which side should I be? Defender of the Faith, and join Capac? Defender of Freedoms, and join Brennus? Or go insane, and switch to Police State and Theocarys, and try to take on both? (Insane, because I think they could easily conquer me. But I'm working on that)

    I have on Aggressive civs and Permanent Alliance. But due to the Cold War like atmosphere, nobody even has defensive pacts. Just a bunch of vassal.

    Philly, circiled in bule, is where most of my army is
    New York, circiled in yellow, was my old militray pump. It will now just build my airforce.
    Atlantla, circiled in light bule, is my new militray pump. It was West Point, Ironworks, and a coal mine.
    Chicago, circiled in green, is where my Apollo is being built.
    Attached Files
    Former President, Vice-president and Foreign Minister of the Apolyton Civ2-Democracy Games as 123john321

  • #2
    my army. The list is most of my navy (theres 2 more destorys not shown)
    Attached Files
    Former President, Vice-president and Foreign Minister of the Apolyton Civ2-Democracy Games as 123john321


    • #3
      Obvious choice would be Capac as he is the closest target... Is your main continent whole, no gaps of water between you, Capac, that grey guy and Monty?
      I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


      • #4
        No gaps. Philly is south of 2 of Capac's cities, inculding his captial.

        The Problem is that he probaly has a stack half as big in 4 cities. All I have to do is just built the barrack in Atlanta, then that city is "online" for a unit pump. (as for transport, all but one city has an airport, Honolulu)

        Another thing to think about. Monty and Bismark (the grey guy) are both horrbile behind in tech (think longbowmen vs infantry). If I conquer Incaland, I could prbolay take the rest of the contentien (Capac has nicely built Verrissa in one of his northern cities)

        Rough count of his army

        about 32 Infantry
        12 artellry
        1 or 2 tanks
        about 12-14 Calvary

        Theres more Infantry and Calvary in a city that he conquered from barbs, but it's surrounded my the Aztecs. So atleast that should slow that stack down

        Luckly, his naval is either weak, or boming the Celts (I've seen him do it in past wars), beacuse I only see 3 destoryers near my border. But I should say that I only have 4 destoryers too (I think I'll still need New York as a pump)

        Think I could survice the inital rush?
        Attached Files
        Former President, Vice-president and Foreign Minister of the Apolyton Civ2-Democracy Games as 123john321

