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Tech Trading strategy needed...

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  • Tech Trading strategy needed...

    Prince, Single Player, 17 AIs, Pangea, Huge, Marathon.
    I'm playing as Augustus. Did Philo slingshot.
    Had 4 cities.

    I just finished researching Music which gave me GA.
    None of AIs has CS and Philo yet.
    Only Musa and Peter has MetalCasting
    only Isabelle has Theology
    about half AIs has Feudalism, but missing Literature, CS, Philo, about half other doesnt have Feudalism yet

    I'm thinking I need bigger army, currently my power is below average.
    So, I'm thinking on getting MetalCasting, Machinery, Engineering.
    I'm not sure if I need Feudalism right now. Getting Feudalism could be good to get some vassals to conquer this huge world.

    And now, looking at the Tech trading table..
    I could get Feudalism for Music + ard 675 gold.
    I could get MetalCasting + (max gold) for Music
    I could get Theology + (max gold) for Music

    I'm planning to get MetalCasting from Peter,
    get Theology from Isabelle,
    get Feudalism for MetalCasting + Theology from lowest ranking AI that has Feudalism.
    I dont think I will gave away my gold because this will benefit AI? or I'm wrong here? Btw, I have around 6000 gold to spend if needed.

    or, could it be better if I just NOT to trade at this moment? a bunch other AI might get benefit from this trading. I cant possible get loads of $$$ by selling this new tech because they're so poor. Researching MetalCasting will take me 13 turns.

    Your advise ?

    note: i'm not sure how to embed the pic here, so please download it if needed.
    [Edit: how to attach the pic?]

  • #2
    With 6000 gold you seem to have little to worry about. By all means to the trading as you say – although I might try trading music for Feudalism at the end since you have already traded that round a bit and don’t mind if several AI’s have it since they will then not be able to trade for it.

    As for tactics, build (and whip) out an army of Praetorians and take on the choicest of your neighbours. Quickly take several cities (but only keep the good ones).

    While you’re building your army, run 100% science and eat up all that cash. It isn’t doing anything for you sitting there so you might as well spend it on something worthwhile. If that had been spent on science before now, you would already have Metal Casting, Machinery and Engineering.


    • #3
      i'm already at 100% science. 6000 gold comes from lots of trading and from 2 shrines (Confucious and Taoism).

      I was late to MetalCasting this time, because I grab Currency, Literature (for Great Library) and Music for GArtist.

      Pyramid for Universal Sufferage would be good, but its on the other side of the continent, Capac own it.

      The point is should I trade tech at this time, or just research ?

      Anyone ?


      • #4
        The trades look good enough. Make those and then go for the kill. If you can run 100% science and still have 6000g then you are not expanding enough.


        • #5
          Thanks couerdelion.

          Yes, Now I'm going for expansion mode

