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Custom Game Era question!?

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  • Custom Game Era question!?

    OK How do I set up a game that only gets up to the medievil times? I want to be able to play the game where no-one can get past a certain era. No techs past that.

    Anyone have any suggestions please e-mail me at


    I use Civ IV Warlords.


  • #2
    I don't think you can end a game at a certain period through the the custom game settings, you can only start at a particular time. Once begun, the game will progress as usual until the modern era. I believe the only thing you can do is create a mod that eliminates all the techs after the medieval times so you'll never be able to progress past that period.


    • #3
      HOw do I make a Mod? I have no idea how I would do that


      • #4
        I'll make one for you, this one is pretty easy
        <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
        I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


        • #5
          Thank you thank you I use warlaords I keep looking on this site for maps but I dont find many as well, but anyhow yeah that would be great


          • #6
            No problem. Mostly done with it now, just modifying tech speeds so you don't spend most of the game with no tech ability
            <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
            I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


            • #7
              Okay, here it is.

              Unzip this folder to your /civ4/warlords/mods/ folder. Then it should appear in your Mod menu:

              * Open Warlords
              * Click on Advanced
              * Click on Load a Mod

              You should see it there.

              What I did:

              -disabled techs beyond the medieval era
              -changed turn year lengths to permit the full game to end at its normal turn period during the 15th century.
              -adjusted tech speeds to make it much harder to research techs - from 50% harder in the ancient era to 200% harder (3x as long research times) in the medieval era.

              Those numbers aren't really tested, and frankly I have no idea if those numbers will work. However, it's simple to fix them if they're off. Either I can fix them, or you can:
              *Open MedievalTechMod folder
              *Open Assets -> XML -> GameInfo folders
              *Right click on Civ4EraInfos.xml and select "Edit". That should open it in Notepad.
              * Each era in order appears here, If one of the eras is too slow or too fast, first find that era: "ERA_ANCIENT", "ERA_CLASSICAL", "ERA_MEDIEVAL" (use ctrl-F). Then do a Find for "iResearchPercent". Each of these eras has its own iResearchPercent; just find the first one below the era you want to edit. Then edit the number that is next to it. Normal tech percentage is 100, as in 100% of the beakers required for that tech; raising it to 200 would mean 2x as many beakers are needed.
              Attached Files
              <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
              I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


              • #8
                Let me ask you, is there a way to um let time flow without it havign an ending but remaining in that era, and if so how can I make mods like that? Or is that something too difficult to do?


                • #9
                  Oh and thanks for making this mod for me


                  • #10
                    Well, what do you mean by let time flow without it having an ending? In the above mod, you are in the medieval era for the entire duration of the game ... so in a sense it does. Now, it still ends after the normal amount of turns, but if you want more turns just play one of the longer game speeds (Marathon, Epic) or edit one of those game speeds to have more turns in it.

                    In Civ4GameSpeedInfo.xml, for each gamespeed, it looks like this:
                    Look at the part at the end, the groups of <GameTurnInfo> code. Each of those has a iYearIncrement and a iTurnsPerIncrement. The iYearIncrement value is how many years pass per turn (ie, in the beginning of a normal game, it goes 4000 - 3970 - 3940 because 30 years pass per turn). That's not that important unless you care what year it is - the actual year number is meaningless.
                    The second number, iTurnsPerIncrement, is important, because when the last Turn passes, the score victory kicks in. So, increasing the last iTurnsPerIncrement to something absurd (like 20000 ... nothing over 32,000 as this is an integer value).
                    <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                    I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                    • #11
                      ok cool beans! Thanks


                      • #12
                        no problem. Let me know how it works.
                        <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                        I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                        • #13
                          So far it works great


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by HRuquet
                            I keep looking on this site for maps but I dont find many as well, but anyhow yeah that would be great
                            You're better off going to CivFanatics for that sort of thing. The creation and customization community is alot more active over there for some reason.

