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City Flipping War?

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  • City Flipping War?

    Is it just me, or do civs in Warlords seem a little more touchy about having their cities flip to your culture?

    I've found it much more difficult in general to get a city to flip, and when I have, the former owner has declared war on me within two turns on a couple of occasions.

    It seems that succeeding culturally is harder in Warlords, but then, it is called Warlords, not Dandies...
    That horse is fake!

  • #2
    flipping a city has always been hard for me, but stll have managed to get one every so often

    no flips over noble setting - oh well
    anti steam and proud of it

    CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


    • #3
      I always try to flip a city or two per game. Of course, just attacking it takes less time...

      I haven't found that it causes a war, though. Sure, there's the -2 for being near their cultural borders, but once the city flips, that goes away...


      • #4
        Which is silly, it really should go to -4 for a while, or more...
        I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


        • #5
          Originally posted by Tattila the Hun
          Which is silly, it really should go to -4 for a while, or more...
          Rather than making them hate you, it should cause them to boost their culture, depending on the civ. After all, it's not your fault that they're so lame.
          That horse is fake!


          • #6
            It's always fun in OCC since your city i usually a powerhouse in culture. The AI will keep trying to build cities on your border pushing it. I had one game were in the midgame about every 20 turns a city would just go puff.
            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #7
              I also find it harder to flip cities in warlords.
              A game recently I had a city that was one of 3 giving me a culture victory shortly.
              A city aboiut 5 tiles or so left was 0% them. The tiles beyond the city had even flipped to mine to it was an island inside my influence. It STILL wouldn't flip.
              It was >90% mine for at least half the game and only had a pop of 1-2 due to having no squares to make any food.

              I've had similar things happen in other games, they just wont flip.
              I think it should be easier to flip cities. Think about it, it takes SO much effort and time to make enough culture to flip a city, and that's generally all u get, 1 city (or nothing in my case).

              I eventually had enough and bulldozed it with my tanks


              • #8
                Did they have lots of troops stationed there? 10 or so prevents flips, IIRC.
                I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


                • #9
                  Now in my last game I had two cities flip fairly early, and never got into a war at all. Of course, I finished in third place again...
                  That horse is fake!


                  • #10
                    Yeah,I had one game where Catherine was foolish enought to stick St. Pete's near my capital. After it revolted once, she threw about fifteen units there, and they stayed there all game, with only 20% Russians in the city. I was very annoyed, because it wouldn't flip. She never tried to attack, just save her city.

                    I agree Tat, losing a city to culture flip should have a -4 modifier for a little bit at least. Especially if they'll attack you anyway 'cause of it...


                    • #11
                      Hm must have been the horde of units in that city then.
                      I guess there's something in one of the files that could be edited to make cities flip a bit more easily?
                      I don't care how many units were in there, it should really flip if its 100% mine

