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Bug or "Feature"?

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  • Bug or "Feature"?

    In my last game I was at war with Montezuma and his vassal Ramses I also bribed Napoleon to join me and fight them together.
    Eventualy me and Napoleon become bestest friends 15+ relations.
    The war is going well for us and after I capture 5 cities I notice that Ramses is no longer vassal of Montezuma and I can negotiate separate peace terms with him. I do so and I vassalize him. He makes peace with Napoleon and declares war on Monty. So far everything is fine but a couple of turns later Napoleon vasallizes Monty and declares war on me. WTF!
    I was so pissed This makes so little sence to me. Is this a bug or is Napoleon even a bigger bastard than Monty.

    This by the way is the feature that I hate the most in Warlords. I still cannot predict reliably when to make peace with someone who I am at war with before he becomes somebody's ***** and the master declares war on me.
    Quendelie axan!

  • #2
    Maybe things would be different if Bulgaria didn't become a vassal to Nazi Germany, among the worst regimes in history.
    Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
    Long live teh paranoia smiley!


    • #3
      If you are at +15 relations then A.I should be friendly toward you and thus not declare war on you under ANY cirumstances - or has some patch changed this rule? ..

      My understanding is that not even warmongers like Monty or Napoleon declares war when friendly.
      GOWIEHOWIE! Uh...does that
      even mean anything?


      • #4
        That probably shouldn't happen.

        If the vassalage is wartime (ie capitulation) then the war/peace settings of the master is used.

        If it's peacetime vassalage then the war/peace settings of the vassal are used.

        Moral of the story: When you go to war, invite your friends.... they can still vassalize the victim out from under you, but it shouldn't lead to war.


        • #5
          Sir Og, By any chance did that occur was this pre-Warlords patch 2.08?
          1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
          Templar Science Minister
          AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


          • #6
            There were several vassal bugs before 2.08, so if it was, that's probabally why.


            • #7
              This is warlods 2.08 with no mods, standard AI agressivnes. I have deleted the save game though

              Blake see my OP I did invite Napoleon into the war. I bribed him with two techs to start the war and I joined 5 turns after they started. Monty took two french cities in a turn and I thought that he might overrun Napoleon so I also declared war. My plan was to let them fight for 5-10 turns untill they loose most of their spare (offensive units). I also wanted them to pillage each others lands. The plan worked perfectly untill I made peace with (vassalized) Ramses. The next turn Napoleon does the same thing with Monty but the bastard declares war on me instead of just stopping the war.
              At that time Napoleon was pleased and at war with me. Wierd stuff
              Last edited by Sir Og; January 13, 2007, 15:13.
              Quendelie axan!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tacc
                Maybe things would be different if Bulgaria didn't become a vassal to Nazi Germany, among the worst regimes in history.
                Tass this must be the lamest troll evar.
                It is not enirely bad though. It was so lame that it was funny.
                Quendelie axan!


                • #9
                  The war will always happen if Monty becomes a vassal while not meeting the capitulation limits (half land area, half population), which is what must have happened in this situatiion. When you vassalized your enemy the conditions of capitulation must have been met, so your vassal took on your wars and alliances. A voluntary vassalage will almost always result in unwanted wars, particularly when it is between AI's, as happened with Monty's acceptance of vassalage.


                  • #10
                    Trev do you mean that in this case Monty offered to become vassal of Napoleon voluntarily in exchnange for Napoleon attacking me?
                    Quendelie axan!


                    • #11
                      You have to be carefull about excepting offers to take on a vassel. You must know what is happening between all the AI civs.

                      I once foolishly accepted the offer to take on a vassel state (unexpected) - only to find on the next turn - I was now at war with 3 other civs.

                      I had not kept track of the AI relations.
                      "What if somebody gave a war and nobody came?" Allen Ginsberg

                      "Opinions are like arses, everyone has one." Anon


                      • #12
                        Hmmm, I wonder they could ad a "This means war with Civ X" to the acception selection. Or even better, open the negotiation table between you and the civ-to-be your enemy. I once had myself declare war due to Defencive Pact, luckily, the civ I declared on, came and asked me to stop trading with the guy I had the pact with... I refused, and made up a peace treaty on the spot. He didn't speak to me for a while, but atleast I avoided bloodshed...

                        That "refuses to talk" sometimes bugs me. I stop trading with someone, sure, they have the right to be angry, but sometimes they wont speak to me for hundreds of years, or 50+ turns...
                        I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


                        • #13
                          This is why I never take vassals.


                          • #14
                            Hell, this is why I never allow vassal states in a game...
                            You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.

