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Game crashes. Is this a bug?

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  • Game crashes. Is this a bug?

    This game of mine always crashes at the same point in the game, unless I capture the German settler before the end of the turn. As I am already at war with another civ I do not want to fight the Germans yet in this game at Emperor level where I am doing quite well. This is a Warlords save 2.08 patch.
    Can the experts verify if it is a bug, or just something wrong with my game.
    Here is the save assuming the upload has worked correctly.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    People are also welcome to add comments on the progress of the game to this point of time. Basically built a 2nd city, 2 workers, several units, then the pyramids.
    After the pyramids completed, built axes, attacked Hannibal and took some cities and gained iron, made peace when Romans attacked, took cities from Romans, made peace. Hannibal attacked, took more cities, peace again, Romans massed troops by border, so gave 3 techs to Zulu to fight Romans (I remained at peace for 3 more turns till Romans attacked by which time I had moved enough units to defend their target which was Antium). I captured Rome eventually with its wonders, by which time Hannibal attacked again, so I made peace with the Romans. After a relatively short time with Hannibal losing cities fast, she submitted to Roman vassalage resulting in a renewal of that war. Hannibal now has 1 very tiny distant city, Romans have lost several more and this time I will persue them to the finish now I have them on the ropes.
    Specific tactics I have used involve creating as many Engineers as possible and settling them in my capital, along with military instructors, making it a very high production city of units with HE and MA also built there.


    • #3
      I've had a similar problem... The game will just decide to crash when I switch to a new turn. Sometimes, I can change what I do and it won't crash, but then crash a few turns later...
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        I think in this case the crash is related to the German AI settler building a city, maybe on a camp. But I do not know enough about computing to actually prove that, whether there is someone who can, and if so have Firaxis fix it in a future patch.


        • #5
          I always crash when I meet the Ottomans

