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AI Bribery

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  • AI Bribery

    Hmmmm.....its the last friday of 2006 and I have to work a measly 4 hours in the morning (9AM to 1 PM, though I'll probably take off at 1230 or earlier). You see, no one else is here, my coworkers are on leave. My function as an IT help desk guy is useless today since no one is here for me to help. So sitting here alone my mind wandered.....

    Has the AI ever bribed the human player? You know when you want the AI to go to war with someone and they say no you can throw in some gold or a tech and they'll say yes? The AI's always ask me to stop trading with or help them fight another AI, but they NEVER offer me anything to do so. You know, I might actually go along with their crazy plans if they sweetened the pot a bit. Has anyone ever had the AI bribe them to go to war?

    Its the same with giving up techs. The AI will ask me for a tech that I don't particularly want to give them. But in the trade window I'll see that they have things that I want. (usually red). I say no, and thats it. Why can't the AI re-evaluate the situation and maybe then counter with "I'll throw in tech X if you give me Tech Z"?. (I'm speaking of trades where the AI at first just plain asks for a freebie, not one where they are willing to trade a tech for a tech). One of the quickest ways to get off of my Christmas List is to ask me for a free tech while refusing to trade one of yours. (Mansa, I'm looking at you, you miser!).
    "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown

  • #2
    Never had it happen. They always ask for techs, to stop trading, or to go to war, but never offer anything in exchange. Never had them ask for gold, however.

    I find it particularly irksome when some pissant civ with nothing to offer wants me to stop trading with a long-time powerful friend with whom I am trading resources without offering to replace the lost resources/gold or any other quid-pro-quo. There should at least be a "Let's talk about this" option, rather than the current "OK/Bite me" choice.

    There should also be diplomatic consequences of the results of such a request/possible responses beyond those already in the game, such as:
    REQUEST: Civ A asks you to stop trade with civ B.
    RESPONSE: You decline without negotiation.
    +2 "You have refused to cut off trade with us." (with B)
    +1 "We can trust you, you stand by your trading partners." (with other civs whose realtionship with B is at least as good as those with A)
    -1 "You should heed the requests of our friends." (with other civs whose realtionship with B is worse than those with A)
    -2 "You have refused to even discuss our reasonable request." (with A)
    These attitudes should change over time and with further actions.
    The (self-proclaimed) King of Parenthetical Comments.


    • #3
      On the flip side, I've had some jerk demand tribute, which I paid, and then I turned around and offered him a tech I was long done with, and offered to pay me FOUR TIMES the amount he'd just extorted from me.

      It's like the trick you play on your little brother, offering two dollar bills for one five: "see, it's more."
      That horse is fake!


      • #4
        Yeah, Ragnar asked for tech, which I gave him, against my usual style. Turns out, it opened the possibility to trade another, more expansive tech. I wonder, can I switch to other views as I'm "negotiating" ( )?

        But the AI is greedy. I was vassal to Wang Kong, and every turn, he'd demand a resource tribute. I'm never that greedy!

        Eh, I used worldbuilder to vassalize myself to him, just to see what happened.

        Is vassalage by human player possible in MP? As there seems to be stuff in place for tribute demands and stuff...

        I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"

