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Spy wont blow stuff up..

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  • Spy wont blow stuff up..

    In my current game I've move some spies into a rivals capitol in an attempt to try and destroy his production of his Apollo program..
    I was quite peeved to find that the option to steal plans or destroy production was not accessible (greyed out).
    So I tested a number of things....
    I thought it might be that you cant destroy production on projects so I moved the spy to another city and tried to destroy production of a temple - same problem, all greyed out.
    I thought it might be that I would have to be at war with the rival, so I declared war, still greyed out.

    Whats going on..

    The only other thing I can think is different than usual play is that I have already won the game via domination and continued to play.

    This is warlords full update

  • #2
    You lack money?
    I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


    • #3
      The missions you have chosen are hideously expensive. The cheapest mission is blowing up a terrain improvement (farm, mine, windmill, etc) and on a normal size map at normal speed, even that costs 200 gold. I don't even want to think about what blowing up a wonder or a project would cost.
      Where are we going? And why are we in this handbasket?


      • #4
        Spy missions are terribly expensive.

        That's why I only use spies to spy the enemy land, and occasionally to steal military secrets. Any other mission is, frankly, just not worth the bother.


        • #5
          Last night the AI had 4 turns left before finishing a SS part - was going to cost me over 800 gold... spy is useless, except for well, spying. More useful when you are in FR, and by then you ususally are anyways...


          • #6
            they make great tile sabator's
            anti steam and proud of it

            CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


            • #7
              Sabotaging production with spies is expensive, and it only takes out half of the production to boot. But if you need to use it, you HAVE to have the gold!

              I say to you Shr3dZ, you should have had the gold available (or not needed it)!


              • #8
                I'm not sure I agree that spies are hideously expensive... in any game where I'm not losing horribly, by the time I can use a spy I typically have a positive income at 100% science [and thus could have a few thousand gold in a short time span if I wanted to]...
                <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                • #9
                  Aren't spies useful for protecting you against enemy spies?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kepler63
                    Aren't spies useful for protecting you against enemy spies?
                    No, none, not at all! What do you think this is, civ 2 or 3???

                    Use a combat unit to protect resources (like the AI does). It reduces the chance of successful sabotage. Having greater numbers of combat units in a city helps to protect against sabotage/espionage there.

                    EDIT: I do not know if the anti-espionage factors of units in the city are the same as their revolt-suppression is in a culturally threatened city. However, if the are, then you prefer modern units, not archers!!
                    Last edited by Jaybe; December 28, 2006, 00:16.


                    • #11
                      The only use for spies is late on in the space race. You need a fair amount of cash.


                      • #12
                        Spies can be useful when needed. I used a couple to blow up mines and sawmills, delaying a rival civ's last spaceship part by 4 turns, enabling me to win with 2 turns to spare.
                        Rule 37: "There is no 'overkill'. There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload'."
               23 Feb 2004


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Boracks
                          Spies can be useful when needed. I used a couple to blow up mines and sawmills, delaying a rival civ's last spaceship part by 4 turns, enabling me to win with 2 turns to spare.
                          See, -that's- how spies become useful; taking out strategic production squares in a tight SS race, or right before an invasion to slow down reenforcements

                          I wish we could have Diplomats back though, for Ancient-Reniassance Age map & military plan stealing!
                          But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
                          PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!

